13. Information

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Author's POV.

Yoongi looked at his cat that looked evidently scared as it curled up to him. He took it in his arms and stroked it's back a little.
He then looked at Jimin who was looking at him.
"What's wrong with you Jiminie??" He asked softly and walked towards him only to get blocked by Snowy who snarled at Yoongi.

"Hey...calm down buddy! I'm a friend....i won't hurt him..." Yoongi said softly as he thrusted his hands forward slowly towards the fox. Snowy resisted at first but eventually sniffed on his hand before wagging it's tail. Yoongi smiled looking at the fluff ball. But when he looked at Jimin his smile disappeared.

"Are you okay??" Yoongi asked.

"No I'm not!!" Jimin looked at him. His eyes were filled with anger but Yoongi could see his sadness through those eyes. "I'm not okay at all!! We-we just kissed Yoongi! Can you-"

"Jiminie, see.... I really love you... please try to understand. Hearing your harsh words hurt me more than broken bones." Yoongi sighed as he held vampirefluff close to him.
"I didn't want to force you but-"

"You won't understand Yoongi!! You can never understand...." Jimin sobbed.
"I-it was m-my .....fwirst....kwiss...."
Jimin sat on the floor and hugged himself.

"So you regret your first kiss is me??" Yoongi questioned. Even after knowing that his heart might break in anytime.

"N-no..." The younger looked up. "I'm sad because you won't remember anything...."

"Don't worry Jimin! I'll remember everything....how can I forget about you..." Yoongi placed his cat on the couch and pulled Jimin up. He held the boy between his arms and rested his head on his shoulder.

I don't even know how much time is left until you start acting like a stranger again.... Jimin thought as he leaned on Yoongi's chest.

"You can't even imagine how much I love you, Park Jimin..." Yoongi kissed Jimin's head.

Tell this to me when this spell wears off and I'll be yours... forever.... Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist.

"Aren't you going to say it back, baby??"


"Guys!! We got some-"

"Guys!! We got some-"

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"In-...for-...ma-...tion..." Jungkook completed with his eyes wide open.

Jimin and Yoongi looked at the boy who was shocked. Jimin directly jumped away from Yoongi and the he looked at him confused.

"What the hell was that!?!" Jungkook asked covering his mouth with his hand.

"N-nothing Jungkook...we were just hugging....you know.... how...h-he is after .....the s-spell...." Jimin gave a weak smile and Jungkook shook his head.
"No. It's definitely not only a hug. You're crying...." Jungkook walked close. "Did he do something to you- oh my god!!" Jungkook noticed that hickey on Jimin's neck. "You guys did it!?!"

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