In love

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Sorry i havent uploaded in like a billion years, but i just didnt know what to put next.. but im uploading now i guess.. OH one more thing! pleeeeeease read a story that i looove: The Dating Coach by chasingsecrets. JUST DO IT! hahah okay here is the next chapter... 


Matt POV

Wow. I loved kissing her. I loved everything about her. I put all the passion and emotion i ever felt towards Emily in that one kiss, hoping it'd be enough to show her how i really felt.

I lost track of time, i didn't know how long we were standing there outside. But then the late bell rang, and i could feel her pulling away. She looked up at me for a few seconds, grabbed her bag, and ran off towards her car. What is she doing?

"Emily! Wait up!" i yell after her. I run to catch up to her.

I reach her right when she opens her door. I reach around her and slam it.

"Look at me Emily."

"Matt.." she trails off, her voice getting quiet.

"Just look at me."

She turns slowly, her face towards the ground. I put a finger under her chin and raise it so she's staring into my eyes.

"What do you want?" she whispers.

"What's wrong Emmy?"

"Nothing, Matt.. i d-don't uh.. feel well."

Shit. I messed up big time.

"Emily I know you. What's wrong? Really?"

"Matt.. I.. I have to go." she turns around and opens her door.

Emily POV

I get in and put the keys in the ignition. I look out and Matt is still standing there. I feel bad. He's my best friend. Should I tell him?

"Matt. What happened back there-" he cuts me off.

"Emily, I love you." what?! He did not just say that. Matt Taylor did NOT just say that.

"I love you too Matt. Best friends usually do." i say smiling, trying to disguise what i really feel.

"Em, best friends don't do what we did back there." he leans down, in the car.

"I'm in love with you Emily. I have been for a while. And i'm sorry for everything i've ever done to make you think I don't. And i'm sor-"

I silence him by putting my lips against his.

I had swallowed all of my feelings for so long i was done hiding them, i didn't care if he actually meant what he had said just now or what, I poured everything I felt about this perfect boy into this kiss that I prayed would never end. Finally, finally, I was the one that was running my fingers through his hair, making the brown strands stick up in the sexiest messy way you could possibly imagine. I smiled against his lips and pulled back, keeping my eyes closed. I hated not knowing how he felt. Did he really love me? He could just be confused... or.. I don't know it was all so complicated. He was my best friend. i knew everything about him, he knew everything about me. Minus the fact that i love him but I think I just made that pretty clear..

 I opened my eyes and find him standing with his eyes closed and his fingers to his lips. He just looked so adorable.. Ugh I couldn't think straight when he was near me, all I could think about were his lips. His lips and my lips. His lips ON my lips... I hadn't realized he had moved until I felt myself pushed up against my car. I looked up into Matt's green eyes filled with so much emotion that I couldn't NOT believe the words he spoke.

"Listen to me, Emily, listen to me right now. I love you. And not just as a best friend. I am so, so in love with you. I have been for so long and I don't know why you can't see it. Why you can't see that i'm telling the truth, that this is how I really feel. Emily you are so beautiful and smart and funny and kind.. how can I not be in love with a perfect person like you? I can only find one thing wrong with you and that is that you trust me with everything but you can't trust me when I say that I am in love with you. And I wish it wasn't but that's my fault. With my horrible reputation, the things I've done.. I understand why you can't trust me and why you wouldn't want to be with me or love me like I love you..." He paused, closing his eyes, trying to find the words to say next. I couldn't listen to him bash himself anymore.

"Matt, it's not that, I don't think you're a bad person and I do love you."

He opened his eyes again brought his face closer to mine. "...but I am begging you, begging you, to look into my eyes and know that I'm telling you the truth. That I am madly and hopelessly in love with you and I wouldn't have it any other way and I know that you probably don't love me like I love you and I completely understand if you don't..."

I bit my lip and smiled, tears welling up in my eyes. This boy was perfect and I was so in love with him I wanted to stay in this moment forever. "Matty, I love you."

"...because it would be okay if you don't i guess, I could pretend like this didn't happen and I could try not to just take you in my arms and kiss you until I couldn't breathe but that would be kind of hard because that's all the time and..."

I grabbed his face and looked into his eyes. "Matt. I love you."

"And I know you love me but if you aren't IN love with me I understand but I will swallow my feelings and do anything to keep our friendship because I'd rather do that than lose you because you don't feel the same way and I have all these feelings for you but obviously I want you all to myself and I want to call you mine because I love you, I'm in love with you and I'd do anything to make you mine but I care about you too much to make you unhappy but forcing all these feelings on to you and I'm rambling right now but I just have to get this all out and I just want you to be happy and I'll do whatever you want but I just.. I'm in love with you and-"

I cut him off with my lips, kissing him like it was the last kiss we'd ever have because this boy, he was what I wanted, who I wanted to be with. I couldn't imagine being with anybody else. He's my best friend, he makes me happy and he cares about me so much and so I kissed him trying to show him how much he meant to me, how much I loved him too. Because I was in love with him.

I pulled back and smiled, keeping my face close to his.

"Matt. I love you. I am in love with you. And i'm all yours, I'm not going anywhere." I bit my lip and stared into his beautiful eyes. It took all of three seconds for a huge and breathtaking smile to spread across his face, and all of the sudden I was in his strong arms, and he was spinning me.

"Oh Em you just made me the happiest guy in the world. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Lemme think about that one... are you gonna put me down?" I asked smiling.

"Hm let me think about that one..." he kissed me lightly on the tip of my nose, squeezing me tighter. "Nope!"

"Then no girlfriend for Matt! And don't even think about pulling the puppy dog face on me mister!" I said laughing.

He pouted, sticking his lower lip out. "Miss Emily is mean!" he said before dumping me on the ground. "Hey, I let you down. Now you're my girlfriend!" he said sticking his tongue out at me.

I laughed at him, my dorky boy. "Fiiiine, just help me up ya big jerk!" He grabbed my hands and pulled me up, bringing me closer to him and kissing me lightly on the lips. "Anything for my girl." He smiled and hugged me, and I realized that I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than in his arms. I looked up at him, whispering "Wanna skip?"

He smirked. "Oh, good lil Emily wants to skip class to hang out with her big bad boyfriend hmm?"

I laughed. "Yeah I do, so can you tell him to meet me at my car?" I pulled away and ran over to it, hearing Matt start to chase me. "Oh, you're bad Em, real bad. And I love ya for it." he caught me as my hand hit my door handle, picking me up and kissing me softly on my neck. "You're also pretty slow." I playfully hit him and told him to shut up. He put me down and we smiled at each other. I gave him a hug and pushed him to the other side of my car. Oh this was bad, I was madly in love with my best friend and I was loving every minute of it. He made me so happy, and I was glad I could finally call him mine, and he could finally call me his.

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