Teasing and Games

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Emily's POV

Oh my god. What the hell was that back there? I kept thinking about the kiss over and over in my head from when I got home about an hour ago. I heard my phone buzz every couple minutes but I couldn't bring myself to answer because I knew it would be Matt.

I love him. I am so in love with him I can't even think straight. And he thinks it's just harmless flirting.

Doesn't he?

I have no idea whats going on in that boy's head. He is so confusing, it makes me feel like i put my head in a blender whenever i try to interpret his actions. I'm thinking about all of this when my phone vibrates on my dresser again.


I go over to my dresser reluctantly and open my phone.

4 missed calls, 8 new messages.

What the hell? Doesn't he do anything else?

I open the messages and they just hold the usual 'Hey emmy' shit. But why did he call me? I open the last message.

Em, i'm sorry. Are you mad at me?-Matt

Is he sorry he kissed me? Probably. But is it possible for me to be angry at Matt for doing something i've wanted him to do for years? I can. Because it means everything to me. But nothing to him.

But could it mean something for him? I have no idea.

This sucks. Whenever i see him i get butterflies in my stomach. My heart pounds. I love him. But to him i'm just a girl to flirt with. And I can't handle that. I love him too much to mean nothing to him. I care about him to much for him to just treat me like any other girl he'd hook up with.

Does what i feel even matter to him? Do i matter to him?

Matt's POV

I've called her 4 times already. She must think i'm a freak. I sent her a bunch of messages. Is she ignoring me? Does she hate me because i kissed her? Why am i so stupid?!

Of course. I attract girls i care nothing about and then drive away the only one i actually love.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I'm scared of what she thinks about me now. What if she thinks i'm just messing with her? Or I'm just flirting with her? It's not like that at all. I wish i could tell her that. But she wouldn't believe me.

I text her another message and wait for her to respond. When she doesn't, i lay back on my bed. My mom calls for dinner. I ignore her and try to suppress thoughts of Emily.

I wish Em would text me back. Or call. Or talk to me. I just want to see her, or hear her voice. It's been four hours since i kissed her. I really hope she doesn't hate me. I've wanted to do that for a while now and when i do, she ignores me. I can't take it.

The doorbell rings downstairs and i bolt out of bed. Is it Emily?

"I got it!" i yell, and i run downstairs to the door and open it.

"Hey Matty." Em says and she smiles.

"Hey Em, whatcha been up to?"

"Not much. Just being harassed by an annoying boy." she says and smirks.

"Who is he? Need me to beat anyone up?" I smile.

"Yeah I do actually."

She grabs my hands and holds them. She looks up into my eyes and leans in.

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