Chapter 1

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His strong arms wrapped around me. I inhaled his scent, and everything that was HIM. I wish i could just stay in his arms forever. they make me feel safe. He makes me feel safe. And the only one who can harm me is him. And that's exactly what he did.


The annoying alarm jarred me from sleep. I looked around groggily. I am so not a morning person. I turn and look at my alarm clock. Wait- it says 6:30; Saturday; April 16

Damn! I forgot to turn it off yesterday AGAIN!

My brother was sleeping in his room next to mine. I could hear him moving in his sleep. Lucky. I can never fall back asleep once im awake. I lay back on my bed staring at the ceiling when i hear the buzz from my phone. Who texts this early?

Hey you forgot to set your alarm again didn't you?(; -Matt

Screw him. He knows i forget. Why is he awake so early? i quickly text a reply to my best friend. I decide to get out of bed since there's no point in trying to fall back asleep. I hop in the shower and feel the warm water run over me. When i'm done, i hop out and wrap in a towel. I finish getting ready and go downstairs, and a pleasant sight awaits me.

"Get your face out of your breakfast loser," I say to my twin brother, Jace.

He jolts up and wipes off his face.

"Shut up."

"I'm not the one with Lucky Charms on my face now am I?" I say to him. These are my favorite moments. When i can bring down my brothers always too high ego.

I walk past him and open up our pantry. We have no food. I grab a poptart and sit down at the table across from Jace.

"You're up early. You usually don't get up 'til noon."

He just gives me a look and lays his head on his arms. I roll my eyes at him, he's such an idiot. I jump all of the sudden when i feel my butt vibrate. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and read the text.

Emily get outside nooooow! -Matt

Huh? He is such a weirdo.

No way in hell. What do you have planned? -Em

Come outside and you'll see!(; -Matt

Ugh. Matt, my annoying best friend. I slowly get up and walk outside to see what he wants this time.

I'm sitting on my porch at 8 in the freaking morning waiting for my dumbass neighbor, who also happens to be my adorable best friend.

I slouch down and lay my head down on my legs. The sleep deprivation is finally hitting me. I can feel goose bumps on my legs. Even though it's April, it's still a little cold in the mornings.

"You should really turn your alarm off on the weekends. Maybe you wouldn't be so tired."

I almost had a heart attack. I turn around and smack Matt in the head.

"What the hell?! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Why not? It's funny," He smirks his adorable, little boy smile at me. I can't resist; i smile back.

"Just don't do it again Matty! Pinky promise?"

Ever since we were little we always pinky promise. It may be silly and childish but we both think its cute.

He leans in, his face only inches from mine. He puts his mouth next to my ear and i feel his warm breath. My heart thumps uncontrollably in my chest.

"Pinky promise, Emmy," he whispers, while wrapping his little finger in mine.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Why does Matt freaking Taylor have to make me feel this way? Matt has definitely grown into his looks. He was a cute kid, but he grew up to be... well HOT. He has looks an Abercrombie model would die for. But he also has little boy features that are so adorable it makes every girl melt.

His eyes are always what catch my attention. His striking green eyes are so amazing, and when he looks at you.. it makes you feel like you are the only one in the whole world that matters.

But there is a down-side... Matt grew into his looks, and because of that grew a new attitude. Ever since he had his heart broken last year when his girlfriend cheated, he hasn't been the same. Now he has a kind of 'player' attitude. It's because he doesn't want to be the one that gets hurt anymore. I still love him to pieces but I could do without the constant flow of different skanky girls.

"Em... what are you staring at?"

"Nothing! I'm not staring at anything," I said quickly, looking down to cover my embarrassment.

"Emmy I can see that you're blushing," I can feel my face grow hotter as I hear the smirk in his voice. Damn.

"Fine," I look up. "I was staring at your stupid face wondering why the hell you made me come out here."

I see his smirk soften into that cute little boy smile that I've always loved.

"To give you this. Close your eyes, and hold out your hands."

"Matt-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Just do it, Em," he orders.

"Fine." I give in. There's no point in arguing with Matt. He hands me a small bag and I can feel that there's something inside. I can feel it's weight.

"What is it? Tell me!" I say in a whiny voice. I know Matt hates that, so i do it to annoy him.

"Stop being a baby. Open it."

I open the bag and pour the contents onto my hand.

"MATT! YOU ARE SUCH AN ASS!" I stand up and yell. He's laughing, and i want to smack his stupid smile right off his face.

"Happy Saturday, Em! Love ya!" He says jokingly. I throw his 'present' at him as hard as i can.

"Hey no need to get violent! It isn't nice to throw rocks. Someone could get hurt!"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GAVE ME A ROCK ASSHOLE!" I'm pissed, but we both know i can't stay mad him.

"Oh Emmy get over it. You know i'm too cute to hate." he says with a knowing grin. Once again, damn him! Why does he always have to be so right?

"Oh I think I might be able to. Why don't you get over yourself, Matty?" He laughs again, and i feel my mouth turn up in a smile.

"Well i'm always here to love. So when you're ready just walk on over," he says with a wink. He doesn't know how much I wish he wasn't joking.



There's a cast for this story! There's an actor/actress for everyone but Jace (just imagine the male version of Emily) and Emily's dad (because he won't be talked about very much in the story).

The cast list is in the chapter "Anyone for a lunchtime kiss?" because almost every character is described in that chapter.

Thanks for reading:)

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