Chapter 2

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I spent the rest of Saturday tring to get Matt's stupidly cute face out of my head. I was laying in my room when my brother came in.

"Don't you knock?" i said annoyed.

He knocked on the already open door. Nice.

"Yup. Well anyways im going to lacrosse practice so... bye."

"Wonderful. Jace i really don't care at the moment."

"Ooh who's the boy Em!" he says in a high voice.

"Shut the hell up and leave already!" i yelled at him. He was really getting on my nerves.

After Jace left i got really bored. I went down into the kitchen and was making lunch when my phone buzzed yet again. Matt. Damn.


get ur own damn food! u hav a kitchen! -Em

Then my phone started ringing. I didn't feel like picking it up but Matt will annoy me nonstop.


There was silence on the other end for a few moments.

"Emily, it's your mother." i mentally slapped myself in the face.

"Oh.. hey.. mom.." i said hesitantly.

"I was just um calling to tell you that i might be home a little late tonight sweetie." she said quietly.

"Okay.. bye mom."

The line went dead. I am so stupid. I have caller ID why the hell don't i use it?! My mom was pretty cool, but she hated it when I cussed. My mom was my favorite person in the world, though. She was so chill and supportive and nice. She worked a lot, but we'd always have little "girl days". Sometimes just us, and other times with Matt's mom, Angela, who was her best friend. We were good together, me and my mom. But I know she missed my dad... He died about 3 years ago. It was hard on all of us, me and Jace only being 13. But especially on my mom. They were so in love. Their friends all thought we were the perfect family, so close and cute. Mary and James Anderson and their twins Emily and Jace. Once my dad got cancer 4 years ago, though, we prepared for the worst. That last year... it was really hard. I'm so grateful for Matt during that time. He held me when I cried, let me hit him when I was mad... he was just there for me constantly. Like a big brother. But of course, after a few years I didn't think of him as my big brother anymore... And now that I'm 17 I can't exactly deny how I feel about him anymore...

"I'm screwed," i whispered to myself.

"I wish, Em." i heard a voice say behind me.

"HOLY SHIT! Matt. I swear if you don't stop sneaking up on me..." i threatened him.

"You'll what? Fight me?" i could hear his smirk. "I'd pay to see you tackle me to the ground!"

"Perv. I'm not giving you any food." i said. His arms wrapped around my waist, and i could feel his breath on my neck. I forcibly stopped myself from shivering. All the sudden i was lifted up in to the air.

"Matt! Put me down you idiot!" i screamed as he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"Nope, not gonna happen."

He carried up the stairs while i pounded at his back with my fists.

"That doesn't hurt, Em." he laughed. He came into my room and threw me on the bed. He stood there for a few moments, then ran back downstairs to get the sandwiches i'd made.

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