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Pov Harry

The ringing of the doorbell was what woke me up today. I looked at the alarm clock and saw it was only 7:30, way to early to be awake in the weekend.

Who would even come this early?

After a couple minutes I decided to get out of bed. I was awake and couldn't go back to sleep if I wanted to. I grab a sweater and sweatpants to put on.

When I'm done I go downstairs, investigating on who decided to visit us this early.

I walk out of my room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Two heads shoot my way when entering the kitchen. Gemma arrived this early and I think she and my mom were both a bit confused that I was already awake.

"Awake already?" Gemma asked confused.

"Here already?" I said back jokingly. Trying to act as confused as Gemma was seeing me awake. "You woke me up with that loud ringing of the bell. Maybe try and knock next time you decide to come this early." I said in my deep raspy voice from sleep.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep. Ethan has been away for a couple days because of work and I have been sleeping terrible. I thought I could come here early so I wouldn't be so alone." Gemma said, looking tired.

"It's okay, you're always welcome." My mother said to Gemma.

"When will he come back?" I ask.

"After the weekend." I walk up to her and give her a hug.

"Happy to see you again Gemms." I say into the hug.

"Happy to be here again." Gemma said as I pull back from the hug and walk away to grab myself breakfast.

My mother and Gemma talked about some things, while I eat my breakfast.

As I am putting my stuff away the bell rings, again. I was confused, who was coming so early? I knew my sister was supposed to arrive today, but we didn't expect anyone else.

Why is everyone ringing the bell this early in the morning anyway.

I hear my mother open the door and I let curiosity get the best of me. I walk out of the kitchen and towards the front door, trying to see who was ringing the bell this early.

"You are very early." I hear my mother say to the unknown person. Was she expecting someone?

"I know, but I wanted to surprise him. I was actually hoping he wasn't awake so I could surprise him." I heard a male voice speak to my mother. Was this person coming for Louis? Maybe a boyfriend that found out where he was staying now?

I walk a bit closer, hoping I could see who was at the door. My mother turns around at the sound of my footsteps.

"I guess you are too late to surprise him." My mother said while looking at me. I look at the door and now see that Niall was standing there. He lives far away and I was very surprised seeing him here.

"Niall?!" I say as I walk to him.

"Surprise!" Niall says enthusiastic while opening his arms to give me a hug.

"What are you doing here mate, especially this early?" I ask as I give him a hug.

"I was around and thought it would be nice to surprise you. We haven't had the chance to see each other in ages." When he talks he always sounds so dramatic and enthusiastic, it's what I always loved most about him.

I pull away from the hug.

"Please, come in." He was still standing outside and I felt bad letting him stay there. "I appreciate you coming here, mate. I missed you."

"Missed you too." Niall said as I was leading him to the kitchen.

"Want anything for breakfast?"

"Yeah I'm starving." Niall is always hungry, so I knew I would make him happy by preparing him breakfast.

I made him and I some eggs. It felt rude letting him eat alone, so I just took a second breakfast. I set everything up on the table and we started eating.

"How have you been?" I asked to make some small talk while having breakfast.

"I have been great. Work has been going great, still alone though but overall it has been great." He took a pause "I heard your sister is getting married."

"Yeah she is." I nodded with a big smile on my face, I was so happy for her that she was getting married.

"Who is the lucky guy?"


"Warren?" Niall asked.


"The same guy that she had a huge crush on?"

"Yes. They have been together ever since Gemma was brave enough to confess her love."

"Wow. That's great. I really missed a lot these couple years." I laughed. When I look back up at him again I saw a shocked expression on his face. I was concerned about what he was seeing.

"Mornin'" I hear Louis' voice speak from behind me, now shocking me. I now understand why he was so shocked, the last time he saw us together we were arguing. I was silent the whole time Louis was in the kitchen with us, still not used to his presence. It had been a week, but we barely saw each other. Luckily he was just grabbing a quick breakfast.

"Please continue, I didn't want to interrupt your conversation." Louis says as he walks away.

"Are you two friends again?!" Niall says shocked in a whisper shouts so Louis won't hear him.

"No, we aren't." I say with a sigh. I need to explain what happened and why he is here, but the reason he was here was unknown, even for me.

"Why is he here then? Did you two fuck or something?" Niall has a whole different few of us two then we have from each other. He used to tease us and ship us, thinking we would be perfect for each other, but he couldn't be more wrong.

"Yikes." The image alone was terrible enough. "Don't ever say such crap again, Niall."

"He surely looked like it. But if that isn't the reason why he is here, what is it then?"

"He is here because.... well I don't even know. The only thing I know is that he needed a place to stay. I don't know exactly what happened, but a week ago we got a sudden call from him and he just showed up here."

"He never told anyone why he is here? How long will he stay?" Niall is asking the exact same questions I want answer to, but I have no answers and that is the whole problem.

"He told my mother what happened, I think. But she told us to keep our mouths shut, because he doesn't want to get asked questions about it. My mother told him to stay as long as he needs, so we really don't know how long he needs to stay here."


"I agree with you."

"He doesn't look like he needed to get away from something. To me he looks content and pleased, like he had sex last night."

"Well him and I didn't do anything and we never will. He was home last night, without company. So he either jerked himself off or he is just always like this. I would go with the second."

"Something is not right about him. I would keep an eye on him, Harry."

"I will. At least I know I am not the only one seeing it, I thought I was the crazy one."

"No you're not, he is."


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