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Pov Harry

There was still a lot that we had to discuss and figure out, but that will come along the way.

One of the things that didn't need a lot of time to get used to was him staying in our house. He was already living with us for the last months. The thing that did change about it was that he slept in my room, our room, instead of that shitty spare room.

With all this time spending together and being on each other's lips, something literally, it would get quite difficult with the other people living in the house.

Apparently it's not appreciated to make out on the couch while people are in the kitchen

And then I haven't even started about all those other moments....

That's why we decided to get our own place where we can do whatever we want whenever we want. 

And today is the day we are finally moving in, it's quite a big step for the both of us. We haven't lived on our own yet. I have been living with my parents my whole life, Louis has some more experience with being away from his parents, but yeah he's better off without them anyway. Me however, I'm a mama boy and I know for sure that I will miss seeing her every day. 

With both excitement and nerves running through our veins we step into our house, together. I look around and it's still breathtaking every time I walk in here. 

"It's even prettier now that it's decorated." Louis says stunned and his eyes are full of love when he looks back to me.

I had secretly decorated the house before we moved in. We did place all our furniture together, but I just put some little extra decorations to make it feel more like home.

"You like it?" I say as I grab his waist to pull him closer to me, looking down in those beautiful ocean blue eyes that I dream about every day. 

"Are you kidding! I love it...." He looks me deep in the eyes, getting lost in our own world. Like it's just us and no one else.

I lean down and place my lips on his, the fire in my belly growing again even after our lips have connected so many times before. It feels like the passion and the fire keeps getting bigger with every touch and every kiss, I'm afraid I might turn to ash at some point. But nothing has ever felt so good. 

"Yikes, we're also here!" Niall comments on our kiss. He isn't really used to seeing us like this yet.

I pull back and see that Louis' cheeks are a light shade of red.

Gosh that's adorable

"I'm not sorry Niall. I just love him and I want everyone to know." We both smile and Niall just rolls his eyes, a little annoyed by our closeness but honestly I couldn't care less.

"Can we now see the whole house? You told us that we could only see it at the moment that it's completely done." Gemma gets both excited and annoyed.

"Oh, yes. Come in and we'll show you everything." I answer still keeping my arm around Louis' waist.

We start walking and everyone follows us. I open the door to out bedroom to show it to everyone. The bed is made, pictures are on the walls of us, our happy memories and the curtains are open to let the daylight in, giving a nice warm glow to the room.

"It looks perfect." Louis speaks as first, the room taking his breath away. "Why didn't you tell me that you were gonna put all these pictures everywhere?"

"I wanted to surprise you." We smile at each other, never have we been happier.

"Yeah that's enough love birds, let's go to the next room." Niall cuts us off.

We show them the guest room, the kitchen and bathroom, it's not the most special rooms but they are exactly how we wanted them. Comfortable, practical and nicely decorated.

And lastly the living room, a huge couch, a nice fireplace and of course a lot more pictures. The pictures are from all the years, our friendship and the last few months in our relationship.

All the memories that mean so much to us, hanging on our wall. A wall full of memories, history but mostly our love story.

Everyone is too stunned to speak, not because of the furniture, but because of all the memories.

Only me and Lou knew all of them.

"What do you think?" I ask no specific person.

"I love it!" Gemma speaks first.

"A bit too much for me. Lovebirds hanging on the walls.... cliché and cute but I wouldn't do it myself. You did a great job though." Niall says.

"We were glad to help." My mother speaks for both herself and my father.

I look hopeful at Louis, wishing he would say something but I only see his eyes get more wet.

"Lou...." I fear something is wrong, but a smile brighter than ever before appears on his lips, making crinkles by his eyes.

"I-I don't know what to say." He jumps into my arms and kisses me like we're the only ones in the room.

"Get a room!" Niall shouts, but we don't part. He keeps kissing me, but I have to pull back.

"There's other people as well now. Later okay?" I whisper so only the boy with the blue eyes and messy brown hair can hear.

I set him down on the ground and we all sit down and talk for ages. It feels like days, weeks even, but it was just 2 hours.

They finally leave.

"It's just us now." I whisper against his lips.

"Like it will be forever?"

"Yes, we will be forever." We kiss deeply, no intentions of stopping since there is nothing holding us back anymore.

No pov

We all know what happens next....

Louis and Harry finally ended where they belong, together. Not all trouble is out of their way, but there will always be trouble in paradise. That's just how life works, if things are too perfect and move too fast it's a bad sign.

These lovers have been through a lot together, from seeing the other fall in love to deaths of people they love.

For them love came from an unexpected corner, from the person that was already so close but still never close enough.

Maybe in your own life you will find yourself in this situation, don't be afraid to ever tell someone that you love them.

Tell your loved ones that you love them now, because death is always looking around the corner. And loving someone when they're not here anymore is the worst mistake ever.

I love you

Yours sincerely


This was it! This is the end!

I just wanna thank all of you who have read this book and stayed with me through the whole journey of uploading my first book. I couldn't have done it without y'all and even though it might not be the best i enjoyed writing it and sharing the product of that.

I will miss working on this story and reading all your comments, but maybe one day I'll be back with something new :))

So for one last time.

All the love


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