12 1 7

Pov Harry

We came home drunk last night, which meant another headache for me today, but this time I would have to act nice and ask for painkiller or suffer the headache.

And it's the worst.

"Good morning." Niall greets me enthusiastic.

"Morning." My voice is deep and raspy.

"Damn what happened to your voice." He sounds shocked.

"Did you forget about my massive morning voice?"

"Well I knew your voice was deep in the morning, but never this deep." Well we haven't stayed with each other a whole night in a long time, so I understand why he doesn't remember.

"Well, it is now." I take a deep breath, before letting my tiredness and irritation ask the next question. "How do you even have this much energy."

"What do you mean?" His words are somehow full of energy and he looks confused at me, raisinf one eyebrow.

"You don't have a hangover?" My voice compared to his is deep, with words that are coming slow and raspy, maybe even a little slurred.

"Oooh from last night your mean. Mate it was nothing. You really can't take liquor, have some painkillers." He hands me the pills and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I say while giving him a little nod. I take the pills and get myself some breakfast.

We spend the morning still with them but then it was time to go. I didn't want to say goodbye to him yet, but I had to. I had to go back to my own house, to Louis, to the drama, to work, to everything and nothing.

"Get that frown of your face." Niall says to me and gives me a playful ap to my arm, hoping to cheer me up a bit.

"I just don't wanna go back home yet." I tilt my head down, feeling defeated by the thought of going back. This whole trip felt like an escape from life, how am I supposed to get back to that?

"It'll be okay. You just go back and put a smile on your face, looks better on you then this serious look. Never liked the serious face." I always appreciated Niall's honesty, but this time it kinda hurts in some way.

Ofcourse he's right and I should just get over it, put a smile on my face and go on. Cuz what actually is there to worry about? I have everything I've ever wanted right?

We give each other a big hug, not wanting ti let go but we had to. We all take a moment to say goodbye to his parents and a mkment later we are back in the car. Driving hours and hours to get back home or at least that's what it could've felt like.

If I just close my eyes for second.....

And I do close my eyes, but the moment I open them again we are already home. The ride never felt this fast, even though I sleep through most of it every time we go there.

The second I step into my house I'm confronted with something, someone. It's Louis, but he doesn't look good. His eyes are red, face pale and he is sitting on the floor which is never a good sign.

"Louis?!" I get nervous, what if something happened to him while we were away and having fun. I could never forgive myself for being away while something is happening to him.

"OMG what happened!" Gemma yells when she sees him.

I squad down in front of him, carefully taking his chin between my fingers and tilting his head so I can take a better look at him. He is conscious, that's a good thing, but he looks so sad.

"What happened?" I ask him, my voice being just above a whisper.

"Ella." Is the only thing he manages to get out of his mouth. The name isn't spoken loud, but loud enough for me to understand. The emotions in his voice and the way he looks being enough for me to know what's going on.

"His stepmom did something." I look up to my mother, she knows this as well, right? I'm hoping I'm not the only one he told this too. All of what they did, he must've told my mother. There's no other way.

"What do you mean?" They look confused at me. Apparently i am the only one who knows.

I get irritated, does no one here know anything about this man! Even I who has been such a shitty friend knows more about what's possibly happening then the one he would call his mother even though they're not blood related.

"His stepmom is treating him very bad and looking at his face it looks bruised almost. Maybe we should call an ambulance." I tell them the least amount of information they need, not being enough time to explain it all. He needs help and immediately.

"No! No ambulance needed. I just need to get upstairs to get myself cleaned and then I'll be fine." Louis interrupts with a little more energy then before. His eyes trying to find mine and a begging look in them, or scared or I don't really know what's in his eyes, it's something I feel like I've seen before even though I never knew the meaning of it.

"No, Lou. You're not fine. You look miserable. Call an ambulance." I look up to Gemma and Anne at the last part.

Anne and Gemma walk away to get some of his things and call an ambulance, while I am staying with him. I have my full attention on him, totally blinded for anything else that could be happening around me.

"Lou, look at me. We won't let you down, you need help so let us give you that." His eyes finally meet mine, a smile forming on my lips and I look at him with a comforting and gentle look.

"Thank you." He says softly, never have I ever heard this man speak so softly. He's always been loud and energetic, always having a word against someone if he doesnt like it or just because he likes talking.

We stare into each others eyes and I start to feel that same pull I did when he opened up to me. The weird warm feeling in my chest and my stomach feeling like it's on a rollercoaster.

The moment gets broken by the doorbell. Louis flinches and looks away immediately, I only get a small glimpse of what I would describe as panic in his eyes. I knew he always hated doorbells, but I never knew why.

The paramedics arrive and they take Louis with them, taking over my previous job in taking care of him.

"You can go with him in the ambulance, we will follow with his stuff and the car." Anne tells me.

I look Louis in the eyes, needing his permission.

"Do you want me to come along in the ambulance?" My voice unsure, soft, eyes gently and waiting for a response while I bite on my lip anxious.

"I would love to have you there." He sounds weak, weaker then he would like to admit. Even though it hurts to see him like that. I have to be strong, selfless, I have to go with him and be there for him.

They get him into the ambulance on a stretcher, me following after him and making sure Anne and Gemma will follow later.

The ride was short and very fast, but it felt like it took forever. Seeing him lay there, vulnerable, bruised, hurt. It did something to me, it made me feel things I hadn't felt in so long.

We arrive at the hospital, me following wherever they take Louis. They start doing things, but I can't keep up with it all. My head starts pounding harder than it did before and my fingers start to tingle. My sight is starting to go black as I see my mom and Gemma walk in the room.

It doesn't take long before my body gives out and everything goes black right after I hit the floor. 

Never had passing out felt so peaceful.


Oh no, what happened to Louis?

And what will happen to Harry?

All the love


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