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Pov Harry

Louis was back with us, and even if it felt weird having him here I am glad he was. Thinking of how it must've been like for him weeks ago, and maybe all those years. But I don't know how it was and I don't know if I ever will.

Our peace stays, the tension less but still there. A good morning or an insult are the only things we said to each other the last days, even when it felt like weeks.

Our problems are clouding our vision, not wanting to talk about them, just hoping they would fix themselves. I know we want nothing more then to go back to being friends, it's what I have wanted from the day I saw them in that bathroom, but know that it's not that easy.

Like we are sleeping on our problems, hoping to solve them in our dreams, but when we wake up early morning their still under our feet.

I pushed away all thoughts of him, but since he showed up at our house all those days back he is invading my thoughts more than he should and it starts to worry me. I don't know why I suddenly care about him. But I have a feeling that is has something to do with that stepmom. She didn't give a nice vibe and proved to me in all possible ways that she is a bitch.

I don't mention our conversation at Zayn's and I never talk about the things I saw at his house, not to Louis, not to Gemma and not even my mom. No one knows, except me. Louis knows that I have seen stuff, but he never cared to explain or say anything about it. It's just like the whole thing never happened.

It's just the same as it was before my mistake as a drunk dumbass, tension high, words low. We are working in the daytime, eat dinner and separate again. Meet in the morning for breakfast where he laughs at my morning voice and silence for the rest of the day. It feels like an never ending cycle of being ignorant.

But one thing did change. I don't hate it as much as I did before to see him in the morning reading the newspaper and eating his breakfast. I am almost concerned when he isn't there. I let him laugh at my voice and start enjoying our little interactions more. It's still weird having him in my house constantly, but it's fine.


I wake up by the loud alarm that's necessary to wake me up every day. I have a hard time getting myself out of bed, but I do eventually.

I walk to my closet, grab a sweater and pull it over my head. Next some sweatpants and a look in the mirror which makes me realize that my hair is still a mess and eyes tired, but I walk downstairs anyway.

Louis is in the same spot as he is every morning, reading his newspaper.

"Mornin'" I saw with my usual raspy morning voice.

"Morning." Louis says with a smirk pulling at his lips do hard that you can hear it back in his voice.

It's silent after that with a little tension in the air, but it's nothing that's not happening every day.

Louis goes to work, I go to work. It's a simple morning, but I have a plan for today. I need to go back to Louis' place without him knowing I went there. I need to gather more information about what's happening there.

And that's exactly what I do after work.

I had to work even harder then normal so I would be done a bit earlier. Taking the longer way home past Louis' house and stopping before it to peak inside.

I waited for a while, trying my hardest to see through the kitchen window. But I didn't see anything.

Maybe the universe was trying to tell me that I shouldn't try to look around in their personal life.

I decided to just go home and pretend like nothing happened. Hiding the fact that I know a little about a possible reason Louis is here and that I drove past his house to spy on them, even if I didn't see anything.

I acted like always, a bit of a bitch, tired and kinda irritated that Louis was still in my space. Even when that feeling of irritation went away, I can't show the fact that I care just a little bit.


Short chapter this time, hope you still enjoyed it <33.

What do you think about Harry spying on Louis' family?

Does he have a right to spy on them and take matters in his own hands, instead of just asking Louis?

Also what do we think about the fact that Harry is finally realising that he cares about Louis?

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