17 1 34

Double update!!

Make sure you read the previous chapter!

Enjoy <33

Pov Harry

I wake up in a hospital bed. My eyes open slowly and I hear a voice.

"There you are." I look to my left and see Louis sitting there, bruised, but he looks a lot better then the last time I saw him.

"What happened?" He giggles, but instead of the anger boiling inside of me small tingles run over my spine.

"You passed out, it's been a couple hours. The doctors said you had a lot of alcohol in your system." Louis explains what has happened.

"But aren't they supposed to be busy with you?" I am concerned and confused that he's here and not in a bed of his own, he looked so bad yesterday how am I laying in a hospital bed now instead of him?

"They were, but I was just in shock and tired. I slept an hour and they gave me some stuff. It's mostly bruises, and they cared for those as well."

"It's really been that long, huh." I rub my eyes and sigh.

"Mr. Styles, glad to see you're awake." A doctor walks in and interrupts our conversation. "You passed out, we saw that your alcohol level was a bit high, but not high enough too pass out from it. We don't know exactly what made you pass out but it seems like it was just from stress and exhaustion. So no big deal, but you should really watch how much you drink. We gave you some painkillers and you should be up in no time." I gave him a nod and he leaves again.

We stay silent, not daring to say another word to each other. It was awkward, but also comfortable in some way. Having him by my side just being enough for now.

Does that make any sense, probably not.

But the doctor was right and I was up before I knew it and getting into the car to go back home. Louis coming with us as well.

After a short drive we are back home and it's been a lot this weekend, just the last months have been much. I look to Louis and somehow there is a smile on his face. Not the best time for a smile, but seeing the bright smile back on his face was more then I could ever ask for.

Maybe Niall was right, maybe we were never just friends.

My body starts to tingle again, but I have to ignore it. I need to know what happened to him. Even though it's already late and we should really sleep.

"Louis?" I ask carefully.

"Yeeesss." He looks at me.

"Can I talk to you?" I bite my lip a bit nervous.

"Of course, what is it you wanna talk about?"

Wow that was easy. A bit too easy....

"Can we go upstairs and talk there?" I don't feel comfortable letting him tell all of that when Gemma or Anne could easily hear us.

"Yeah sure." He stands up, ready to walk with me upstairs.

"Do it safe!" Gemma yells from the living room. My cheeks are turning red, but I ignore it. The only thing I can do is hope Louis didn't see that.

We walk upstairs and enter my room, sitting down on the bed next to each other with a little space between us.

"So.... what did you wanna talk about." Louis breaks the silence.

"I just need to know what happened yesterday, you looked so bad and you said something. Ella, what did she do?" I see his face turning the same pale shade it had just a few hours ago, but he starts talking anyway.

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