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Pov Harry

I thought I had blown everything yesterday, but walking into the kitchen I see Louis. And he stays, even when I join him at the table to eat my breakfast.

"Mornin'" I say, my voice still way to deep from just waking up. Louis' lips curl up into a giant smile and I don't know why. "What?" I say while laughing as well.

"Your morning voice got even deeper, thought that wasn't possible." He is hesitant, but looks me in the eyes while saying it. The smile never leaving his lips.

We don't say anything after that, me to embarrassed when my voice is so deep and it's been our first 'conversation' without biting each others head off in five years, so I think it was good enough.

We both separate after breakfast, getting ready for work and when I drive away I see him leaving the house.

Maybe it isn't that bad then?


The rest of the week is just like that. Louis sitting in the kitchen when I come downstairs, me making my breakfast, saying good morning and he always needed to comment on my morning voice. We would eat our own breakfast in silence, not much was said between us, it wasn't necessary.

I made the peace Gemma said I needed to, I don't have to be friends with him. The fact we can be in the same room again is enough in my opinion.


It's Friday, again.

This time a bit more content about my week. I finished all of my work, made peace with Louis, succeeded in suppressing my curiosity considering the whole Louis situation and it just felt good. Gemma is here again, this time with Ethan. He wasn't working this weekend and Gemma was much happier than last week. It's a good thing they're marrying, they can't possibly live without each other.

One day I hope to find that kind of love as well. But finding a hot, loyal, gay guy is harder than it seems. When they're hot, 9 out of 10 times they are straight, when loyal they aren't always my type and I just never felt whole with someone. I have had some hookups and I know I need to have some again. Missing the pleasure one can give you, since giving yourself that pleasure is way harder.

Maybe it would be perfect to go out, today. So that was exact my plan for tonight.

"Who is coming to the bar with me!" I yelled through the house. 

"We're coming with you!" Gemma answered for her and Ethan.

"I'm on my way!" Louis yelled while getting down the stairs. "If you don't mind." He said more hesitant when he saw my surprised face.

"No you can come if you like."

It would be rude to not let him come along

It didn't take long or we were all sitting at the bar with shots in our hands.

"Cheers!" We yell together. We pour the drinks down our throats and when my glass is empty I feel the need to move.

"I'm gonna go on the dance floor, see you later." I hop of my chair and walk away, ready to dance and drink and hopefully have sex. I really, really need some.

I am dancing when I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, a cute little girl belongs to the hand.


"You look hot, do you have a dance for me?" Straight to the point, okay.

"Sure, why not." I say, but do feel the need to make sure she knows I'm definitely not into girls. "If you see another hot guy somewhere, tell me." I say as I grab her waist and start dancing.

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