Batman Down

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A/N Requested by MIUKI1. I had so much fun brainstorming this. I hope you like it ;D


Batman crouched low as he observed the building across from him. He'd been tracking this drug cartel for weeks, and now, with his expert detective skills and a bit of luck, he'd managed to track down their latest hideout. "Nightwing," He called over the coms. "I've got a hit on the dealers, but I'm going to need backup."

"Robin and I are still on the other side of the city," Nightwing reported. "Batgirl and Red Hood are closer to your location."

"Tell them to hurry up." The Dark Knight instructed. No sooner had he logged off his com than Batman heard a truck pulling up to the back of the building. Men in dark fatigues were loading boxes into the back. The deal was going down now. Backup of any kind couldn't get there fast enough.

Batman swore under his breath as he jumped to the next roof over. The cartel members scattered at the sight of The Bat crashing through the skylight, but of course, they couldn't all be lucky enough to escape. Most of the damage of the fight was from the few thugs who tried to salvage the supply.

As Batman charged after the drug dealers, he heard it. The beeping of a bomb set to go off. He had to defuse it before it blew the warhorse of evidence sky high.

Batman's fingers worked fast, separating the proper wires and trying to determine which one to cut. Still, he wasn't fast enough, and the last thing Batman remembered was wrapping his cape around his head and breaking for impact.


Bruce groaned as he came to and tried to sit up. His vision was blurry, and every part of his body was screaming for mercy. Suddenly a force of pressure slammed into him. Bruce started thrashing at the weight, trying to pin him down. "Easy Bruce." A familiar voice said in a soothing tone.

As his vision began to clear, Bruce could see Jason looming over him, still trying to keep his Father in bed. "What happened?" Bruce moaned as he gave in to his aching muscles and let Jason ease him back down.

"You let a building fall on your head instead of waiting for backup like you taught us." Jason smirked. He was never going to let Bruce live this down. "Thanks for scaring us all half to death by the way." Bruce rolled his eyes as Dick burst through the doors dragging Alfred behind him.

"Glad to see you've awoken, Master Bruce." Alfred told him as he made his way over to the bed. "Master Dick, Master Jason, perhaps you should go ease your siblings' nerves with this recent development." The boys nodded at the butler's tactful suggestion and slipped out of the room.

"You had us quite worried Master Bruce." Alfred scolded his oldest charge as he pulled out an array of bandages and antiseptics as well as a few pain killers. "I won't do it again, Alfred," Bruce promised. "Just help me get up so I can-"

"I should think not." The older man said. "You will be staying in bed by order of Dr. Tompkins and myself until we deem you fit to do otherwise."

"But I have work to do and patrol and..." Bruce tried to argue. "What you have, Master Bruce, are six broken ribs, three cracked vertebrae, a fractured collar bone, and a concussion. I could go on, but my verdict would remain the same. You are on bed rest." Alfred said, and that was final.

Bruce tried not to pout as Alfred changed his bandages. There was no way to win this argument.


Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the rest was doing Bruce some good. It wasn't even all bad, seeing as Tim and Damian, the ever-loyal and eager to please sons they were, would bring him things to read and keep him occupied.

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