This is Normal

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Bruce yawned and stretched as he made his way downstairs. Even as he came down the stairs, he could hear the morning hustle of The Manor. Stepping into the kitchen, Alfred was already standing by with his morning coffee.

As the caffeine took effect, Bruce was able to take in the day's madness. The boys were all having separate tiffs while Cassandra watched it all with mild amusement.

"Give it back Jason." Tim was whining as he futility tried to grab his phone from where his older brother was holding it out of reach. "Steph wants to know if she can sleep over this weekend." Jason reported slyly. "What should I tell her? Hmm... How bout: 'Sure thing babe. You can sleep in my bed anytime.'"

"Don't!" Tim cried. "She's coming over to study. Now give it!"

Across the table, Dick and Damian were having a very different conversation. "For the last time, Grayson, I have no interest in going to such a childish event." Damian huffed as he ate another spoonful of oatmeal.

"But it's a party Dami!" Dick insisted. "And if one of your friends was nice enough to invite you, it's only polite to show up."

"In the first place," Damian sighed around mouthfuls of his breakfast. "None of these dimwits are my friends. Secondly, seeing as my entire class was invited, my invitation was not an act of kindness so much as a means of appeasing the easily offended children. And third and most important, I detest every second I have to spend with these cretins at school. Why on earth would I subject myself to spending more time with them?"

"Because you will not become an anti-social hermit as long as I have a say in anything." Dick declared. "You're going even if I have to drag you there myself."

As Dick returned to his cereal, Damian loaded his spoon with oatmeal and prepared to catapult it at his older brother. Lucky for Dick, Bruce had finished his first cup of coffee and was now in the right frame of mind to parent.

"That had better go into your mouth, young man." He reprimanded, and Damian sulkily placed the spoon in his mouth. "As for this party, Dick, you are not his mother. You can't make him go." Bruce held up a finger to silence his oldest son's protests before turning to his youngest.

"But since I'm your Father, I can make you and you Damian are going to do the polite thing and attend this party. End of story." Damian began listing all the reasons why the party would be stupid as Bruce crossed the kitchen to deal with his other sons.

"Stop terrorizing your brother." He sighed as he plucked Tim's phone from Jason and handed it back to the relived boy. "Aw come on Bruce. Timmy knows I'm just playing." Jason grinned while Tim checked to ensure his brother hadn't caused too much irreversible damage.


After wasting far too much time arguing over who got to ride shotgun, Cass eventually winning, Alfred took the children to school, and Bruce headed off to work at Wayne Enterprises.

Gotham Prep and Academy were certainly more lively institutions with the Wayne children in attendance. Many school benefactors and board members often wondered how the kids were never expelled regardless of who their Father was.

But even with all the trouble they caused, the children had good qualities as well. Despite the fights they seemed to cause or get into, the kids were all leaders among their peers.

Dick was a favorite student among all the teachers. Jason was somewhat popular and a notorious lady's man. Cassandra had been so persuasive as to convince many of her Special Education classmates to join after-school clubs and socialize with other students.

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