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A/N Inspired by Debbie. Thanks for that =D


Dick had been friends with Barbara Gordon since his first day of school. They were desk mates, sat together at lunch, and played with each other at recess. Even though they never seemed to grow tired of each other, the children only ever saw each other in school.

Dick and Barbara understood, of course. They both had single dads who were generally too busy to chaperone, but still, it would have been nice to have playdates.


Dick's face lit up as he saw Bruce come through the gate to the after-school play area. "Daddy!" He cried excitedly as he ran from the swings to his father's open arms. "There's my little Dickiebird." Bruce cooed as he lifted his son from the ground. "Ready to go?"

"Can we wait for Barbara?" Dick asked hopefully. "Her daddy's not here yet, and I don't wanna leave her all by herself." Bruce nodded and set his son back down to go play with his friend.

While he was proud of Dick for having such a kind heart, Bruce was a bit concerned that Commissioner Gordon hadn't come to collect his daughter yet. As he stood at the sidelines of the playground, he decided to call the police station.

"The Commissioner is in the middle of a hostage situation." The police secretary informed him. "As you can imagine, it's quite a sensitive situation. There's no telling when he might finish." Bruce looked over to where the children were playing.

From what he knew, Barbara was a good kid, a good friend to his son, and after all the times Jim Gordon had risked his career on The Batman, this seemed like the least Bruce could do for him. "If it's alright with the Commissioner, I'd be happy to take Barbara home until he raps up." He told the secretary.


Barbara was a bit apprehensive as Mr. Wayne signed her and Dick out. As exciting as it was to finally be having a playdate with Dick, she had never been around Bruce Wayne for more than a few seconds.

Dick, however, was bouncing with joy as they drove, talking a mile a minute about all the fun they were going to have together. Barbara was so distracted by his jovial chattering that she didn't even realize that they weren't headed to Wayne Manor until they pulled to a stop in front of an ice cream shop.

"Now," Bruce smiled as he turned around in his seat. "How good a boy were you today?" Dick beamed back at him. This was their special tradition. Whenever Bruce picked him up from school, he would ask Dick if he had been a good boy, and if he had, they would get ice cream. And Dick was always a good boy.

"We had a vocabulary quiz, and I got a 95." Dick boasted, pulling out the paper as evidence. "Good job Dickie." Bruce praised, then glanced at Barbara. "And how did you do?"

Barbara blushed. She was a good student and had done well on her quiz, but somehow it didn't feel right to brag about it to someone else's dad. "I did ok." She said softly, passing her paper forward so Mr. Wayne could judge for himself. "A 98 is better than ok." Bruce told her, genuinely impressed.

"And she got a smiley face sticker." Dick chimed in. "I told ya she was smart Daddy." Barbara's face was as red as her hair now. Dick talked about her to his dad? And said she was smart?

"Well, I'd say you both deserve ice cream." Bruce grinned. "And what's the rule?" "Don't tell Alfred." Dick recited as they all got out of the car.


Bruce and the kids decided to enjoy their frozen treats in the fresh air of Gotham park. It was a perfect spring afternoon. "Tag!" Dick yelled, patting Barbara on the arm as she finished her cone.

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