They Started It

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There was no doubt that the bat kids were all able-bodied children. They loved destroying the stereotype of the uncoordinated nerds and using their vigilante training to show off from time to time. What they weren't used to was fighting each other.


Bruce watched his family from the head of the dinner table with heightened interest. It wasn't uncommon for several conversations to happen at once at the big table, but this was different.

The children were split up into two groups and whispering quite intently, and every now and then, someone would shoot a slightly aggressive look across the table. "Alright," Bruce declared, drawing everyone's attention. "It's no one's birthday, and no holidays are coming up. So what are you all plotting?"

The children all looked at one another for a moment, no one saying a word. "It's best you don't know, Father." Damian finally said. "We'd hate to have to make you pick sides."

"Like he'd ever pick you guys." Jason scoffed, thus invoking a round of arguments across the table. "That's enough!" Bruce yelled over the din. "One of you explain what's going on."

"Every year, the school has this huge relay race obstacle course challenge." Dick started. "You make a team and compete with other teams until you're the last ones standing, and then the winning team from Gotham Prep faces off with the winners from Gotham Academy."

"We crushed those preppy wannabes, and now Might and Power is going for the title." Stephanie gloated, giving Cassandra, Tim, and Damian a round of high fives. "Don't get too cocky." Barbara warned. "We've been running this course since before most of you could stand."

"And yet you've never won." Tim smirked. "Ok," Bruce intervened before things could get loud again. "You're right. I won't be choosing sides. But if any of you take this too far, I will pull you out of the competition. Is that clear?" Bruce waited for their chorus of understanding before he smiled.

"Good. And no talking about any of this at the table." With that, they all returned to their meal, only giving each other warning glances when Bruce wasn't looking.


As much as Steph hated to admit it, Might and Power hadn't won yet. The older heroes had been running the obstacle course for way longer than they had, and if they wanted to dominate, they had to practice.

She kept this in mind as she led her team through the halls of their sister school, starting down the bigger kids who attempted to block their path. "Can I help you kids?" The receptionist asked as they entered the main office. "We're here the practice for the race." She told her, but the woman only stared blankly.

"I'm sorry. You kids need to call ahead so we can have the equipment set." "But we did." Tim insisted. He had come into this very office himself as soon as they'd heard they would be in the finals. "Can you check? It should be under Wayne." The woman turned to her computer and tapped a few keys.

"Ah, here it is. It says a reservation was made by a Mr. Drake-Wayne and canceled this morning by a Mr. Todd-Wayne." It was now the children's turn to stare blankly as they processed what they'd been told. "Is there any way we can rebook our time?" Stephanie asked frantically.

"I'm sorry dear. That space has a waitlist. The second your reservation was canceled, someone else took advantage." The group barely managed to contain themselves long enough to make it to the hallway.

"This is an outrage!" Damian seethed. "Todd will suffer for this." "Calm down," Tim said through his teeth. "We can practice on a simulated version of the course in The Cave. For now, someone call Alfred to pick us up."

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