Hiromi is Haruhi's younger twin sister. Both of them tried really hard and got accepted into Ouran Academy for high school. Hiromi is excited for the new environment. Haruhi could care less as long as they get a good education.
Yet what happens whe...
I had finished the cleaning and sat down. They would tell me when they needed errands run, which wasn't right now. It had been about four days since the dance. It's been nice.
Kyoya appeared beside the table. Oh, okay. Kyoya stated, "We have a list. We need you to do a grocery run." He passed me the paper and the card heading off. I sighed looking at the paper. He didn't write it in a foreign language, right?
** Milk Coffaa Suger Berk choceleta Caakias **
I sighed walking over to Haruhi's table. She noticed the paper in my hand. She stood up and dug in her bag. She pulled out colored pencils and stepped a few feet away.
She started sketching basic stuff. She pointed to one word. She said, "D-A-R-K, it's a type of chocolate."
I said, "Oh, thanks for this. It means a lot, Haru."
She said, "Okay, do you got it?"
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(A/n- Yes this is a quick sketch done by me.)
I looked at it, "Blue top milk. That coffee stuff they love. Sugar for baking. Dark chocolate. Cookies."
She grinned, "Yeah, now I'll see you when you get back."
I smiled, "Okay!"
Haruhi's POV
I sat back down at my table. The girls were paying extra attention to me. I tucked my color pencils back into my bag. Then the blonde girl spoke up, "You're so nice to your sister."
I nodded, "Yeah, she's my little sister. I'm supposed to look out for her."
The brunette said, "Why'd you use color pencils?"
I shrugged, "Well, usually at home the list is colored based on what section the items are in. She forgot hers so she couldn't add the colors. It just took a moment to help."
They spoke together, "That's so sweet!"
--- Hiromi's POV
I came in and went to the pantry/kitchen area. I put it all away then decided to sit at the small table in the room. I did it. I got all the stuff.
I opened my backpack taking out my math homework. After a few minutes, it was all done. I then put it back away. I pulled out my science and completed it as well.
I left the closet and saw everyone starting to pack up. I began helping them as well. I heard a whine, "Come on, Kyoya!"
I turned to see Tamaki looking at him with pleading eyes. What's he planning now? I walked over to Haruhi. Haruhi moved and grabbed the red bow to my uniform. She began retying it. I said, "Haru, school is over."
She nodded, "Yeah, but your bow is coming undone." I shrugged and stood still while she fixed it.
I heard, "We should do that."
I turned to see the twins, "Hmm?"
Hikaru said, "Fixing the other's tie." He pointed to Haruhi fixing my bow.
Tamaki called out, "Aw, the girls look adorable!" He came over swooping me into his arms. He held me up spinning me.
I whined, "H-Haru..." after a few seconds I was down. I looked to see Haruhi pinching Tamaki's ear. I giggled, "Thanks, Haru."
Haruhi came over and stood beside me. Tamaki pointed at us, "Devilish twins!" In response, we both laughed. Tamaki drew back and went to hide in a corner.
Kyoya stated, "Well, we've been discussing what Hiromi should officially be in the club."
I replied, "Hmm?"
Kyoya began, "Well, we're missing a lot of day-to-day stuff. Like possibly a baker?"
I shook my head, "No, it'd be the same recipe repeatedly. I wouldn't be able to make anything new."
Kyoya said, "That doesn't matter. As long as there's some rotation between a few items."
I shrugged, "I guess I can do that."
Tamaki appeared right in front of me, surprising me. I took a few steps back then behind Haruhi. Tamaki exclaimed, "We have a chef!"
Haruhi said, "Back off, senpai. You're startling her." Tamaki finally noticed I wasn't in front of him yet hidden barely behind my sister.
I felt a hug around my waist. I looked down at Honey. He had on a broad grin, "I'm sure that whatever you make will be delicious, Hiro-Chan."
Kyoya said, "Alright, I'll have everything ready for you to start at it tomorrow."