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Hiromi's POV

I sat in class staring at the class representatives. "All right, next item on the agenda. I move to discuss what the class plans will be for next week." Soga Kazukiyo, the class representative said.

"Next week?" Haruhi questioned.

"Yeah, Halloween." Hikaru chimed. Oh, Halloween, I wonder if it'll be fun?

"Oh, Haruhi you've only been a student at Ouran Academy since high school. Right? So you don't know after we finish taking our exams for the fall we are allowed a few days off. Until the end of October. And we get to throw costume parties on campus to celebrate." Vice Representative, Karakano Momoka said while cleaning up the chalkboard.

"And also to promote camaraderie each class is allowed to use an entire day for a special class event of their choosing," Soga informed.

After some light chatter, Renge showed up. Renge went on about Halloween and its spirit while showing off her pink sailor costume. She drew all attention to her and proposed a "Halloween Test of Courage Tournament." Everyone seemed overjoyed and were excitedly talking about it. It went up for a vote. Soga kept asking for objections.

After none were made the motion passed, with the condition of teams. I sighed, scary stuff? Well, at least Haru will be by my side.


The other twins, Haru and I entered the club room. There were lots of pumpkins and the other hosts were dressed as vampires. I stared at everyone. The boys informed the club about them being on the preparation committee.

Tamaki seemed annoyed slightly. Then they went to leave with Haru and me in tow. "Hold on! Why are Haruhi and Hiromi going?" Tamaki whined.

"Well boss, they are in our class you know," Hikaru responded.

"Oh, and the special event is an after-dark test of courage tournament," Kauro replied.

Tamaki is shocked in horror. He seemed to zone out. Once he tuned back in, he got close to Haruhi begging her not to be part of it. He became more dramatic over her calling it "harmless fun. The redheads then pulled Haru and me out of the club room.

—Halloween night—

I walked down the hallway. I was slightly ahead of the others in my group of five. Every group was in their hiding places. The whole group had chosen to stay in uniform. Although, I feel like this yellow dress I'm in stands out like a sore thumb.

I sighed turning back to the group, "Guys, what should we do?"

Kaoru held our cheap scare tactic towards me, "We're meant to scare people."

I rolled my eyes at the response. I asked, "Haru?" Haruhi barely glanced at me. She shrugged the went back to comforting the class President, Soga.

Hikaru motioned to an edge at the bottom of a stairwell. He commented, "There would be perfect. It's our spot."

After a bit of commotion and Haruhi comforting Soga. Haru perked up, "Did you see that? That creepy shadow right now... Outside the window?"

Then a clattering noise could be heard. I looked to see a skull falling down the stairs. Hikaru called out that it wasn't their turn. He then kicked the skull back up the stairs.

There was an echo, "My skull... My skull..." The figure with long black hair and a white robe appeared into view. It then looked up while stating, "Why did you kick my skull?!"

I saw the pale grayish skin, bloodshot eyes, and blood dried down below the mouth. I felt my hand being grabbed and in a split second, we were out of the area.

I realized that the class President was ahead and I was chasing him. After a bit, we got caught up. Kaoru stated, "Class rep, slow down, I can't keep up."

I agreed, "Come on, let's just-" Out of seemingly nowhere I was pushed from my left side. I went tumbling into a room. I instantly tried the door, although it would turn it wouldn't budge like there was heavy weights outside it.

Kaoru began knocking on it. He finally stopped, "Damn it, they locked us in." He slid down to have his back against the door like Soga. He said, "It's hopeless, there's no one outside." I gave up sitting down a well. Kaoru said, "Looks like the A-team got a little overzealous, huh?"

Soga asked, "Which one are you?"

Kaoru instantly stated, "I'm Kaoru, are you scared?"

Soga relived said, "Well, not anymore. No. My nerves kind of shut down." I started playing with my hair. I hope Haru is okay.

Kaoru sighed, "Man, our plans are completely shot. Such a shame. We even had it all figured out, down to the last detail. We worked out a plan to frighten Karakano half to death and let you come charging to her rescue."

Soga asked, "Wow you'd do that for me? That's really thoughtful of you, but I don't stand a chance. There's someone else she likes, Haruhi. While it's true Fujioka doesn't seem to feel the same way yet, I'm positive that it's only a matter of time."

Kaoru swatted his hand at him, "Yeah, that's not going to happen. I can promise you that." I had to stifle giggles.

Soga questioned, "Why not?"

Hikaru could be heard, "Kaoru are you in there? Kaoru?"

As well as Haruhi calling, "Hiro! Hiro, I'm here!"

The door opened. Hikaru stated, "Kaoru."

Kaoru responded, "Hikaru." The two instantly were in a tight hug. I looked as Haruhi was walking over to me. She patted my head lightly. She then grabbed my waist pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her neck.

Soga asked, "I forgot you two are both sets of twins."

We all went to the courtyard where we met all of our other classmates. They were talking about how we weren't at our post. In the end, there was a huge oddly familiar shadow.

A/n: It's already March, wow does time fly. I hope you guys enjoy the update.

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