5-A Manager and Shiro

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Kasumi's POV

I walked into the host club. I saw a girl speaking in a French accent. What's going on? I walked further in yet stayed close to Haruhi.

She then began explaining how everyone's "character type" was wrong, excluding Kyoya's. She gave everyone different roles. Sounds like some trashy basic play ideas...

She approached Haruhi and me. She began by sticking out her hand to me, "I'm Renge."

I nodded offering her mine, "I'm Hiromi."

Renge smiled at me. She said, "I heard about how your the only other girl in this club. You're the chef, right?" I nodded my head yes in response.

Renge's attention then turned to Haruhi. She said, "So, your the bullied honor student..."


I was finally where they were going to film. I had lost track of Haruhi in the hall. Yet, I finally figured out where it was. I saw Haruhi with Honey and Mori in the rain.

After the scene, Haruhi had a towel around her neck. I smiled, "How'd it feel?"

Haruhi shrugged, "Not like much. I'm just a little chilly now."

I nodded, "Alright, that sounds..."

I was cut off. Renge spoke excitedly, "Come on, come!" I looked at Haruhi and we both shrugged. We followed her past the corner of the building.

She explained how she wanted the two boys to be the "big bad" characters of the script who had earned their wealth from the mafia. After a bit, she irked the boys too much and one shoved her.

Haruhi got between Renge and the wall. She got slammed back and piles fell from behind her. Now, Renge, had worry coated across her face.

I knelt down beside Haruhi. I saw tears coming from Haruhi's eyes. I glared at the guys. Then Tamaki ran over grabbing him by the collar. Tamaki threatened to get them expelled.

Renge turned to the cameras, "Did you catch that?!" They gave her a thumbs up and Kyoya smashed the camera. Renge was confused and frustrated.

Haruhi explained to her who it was better to get to know people before anything else. Renge then dragged of Haruhi with Tamaki and Hikaru following them.

Kaoru asked, "Hey are you okay, Hiromi?"

I looked at him, "Yeah, but I was worried."

He pondered, "What made you worry?"

I smiled watched Haruhi be led away. I commented, "Well, Haru isn't one to cry. So it made me scared of how hurt she was. But finding out it was just her contact, relief."

Kaoru hummed in response. I heard him softly whisper, "You really do care." Why's he whispering that? He then spoke up, "So since our siblings are off, what do you want to do?"

I mumbled, "Um, I don't know..."

Kaoru smiled, "Well, do you want to catch up on homework together?"

I said, "Do you mean it?"

He nodded, "Yeah, of course, I do."


I stared back at the entrance of the club room to see the boy. He stated, "My name is Shiro Takaoji" then explained he was in elementary school and wanted to be "the king's" apprentice. Isn't he a bit young? This made Tamaki giddy with joy. That inflated his ego.

Soon enough Renge came out. She claimed that Shiro needed to be the "naughty type." Soon enough the club made it to where he was the naughty type. Later on, he ended up sitting with Tamaki that day.

I was packing around the tray of fresh chocolate cookies I had made. As I passed Tamaki's table I heard Shiro burst out, "She doesn't look like a mermaid, she looks like a carp!"

Tamaki started fumbling over his words and the girl ran out of the club room crying. I sighed and went over to them, "Shiro... Never, tell a girl that they look like a carp." Shiro pouted looking at the floor.


The next day Shiro started trying to define everyone. Haruhi as a crossdresser. He hit the nail on the head.

Then he eventually got to me, "And somebody definitely has a crush on her. She's a cook and seems nice." Huh? He doesn't know that I'm kind of dumb, or he wouldn't say that.


Yesterday we watched him play piano with Hina, the girl he had a crush on. It was chaotic when they had Haruhi and me wearing the middle school uniforms. But I guess it was worth it in the end. I guess Shiro will be done coming here.

I exited the kitchen to hear Tamaki yelling. Then I looked at the cause, Shiro stealing his customers. It was the end of club time so Shiro got a kiss on the cheek from two of the girls. Well, I guess he sort of is a mini Tamaki. Hmm... It's interesting.

--In personal memory of my loss in 2021--
•T.D. Lost July of 2021
(No personal information is listed to protect them. Lost them way too young at 25.)
•Simba October 20, 2011-October 25, 2021

) •Simba October 20, 2011-October 25, 2021

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