just a friend

193 7 13

Here, as promised m4r1437

Marinette tried to tell her parents she was sick.

Before she could do that, however, she decided to go to school.

She couldn't stay in her room forever.

Maybe she was just exaggerating things and no one thought anything about Chat Noir's silly conclusions anymore.

Yeah, that was it.

As she walked out the door, backpack in hand, Tom called out, "Don't worry Marinette, true friends will support you no matter what."

She groaned after closing the door.

She walked slowly to school, not caring if she arrived late.

She always arrived late anyways.

As she walked into the school, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned towards her.

She walked towards her friends, ignoring the whispers coming from around her.

"Isn't that the girl Ladybug is in love with?"

"Ugh, I don't even know what she sees in her!"

"Speak for yourself, her looks seem to kill."

"Ryan, you already have a girlfriend."

"If marinette gave me a chance I'd dump her."

It was VERY hard to avoid the whispers around her.

"Hey" she waved slowly at her friends.

"Hey girl!" Alya exclaimed.

"Hey dudette!"

As the trio walked to class, no one said a word.

"Come on, I know you have questions" Marinette told them as they walked into their class. "Don't be scared to ask."

A few of her classmates were already there and they surrounded Marinette.

"Is is true Ladybug likes you?" Alix asked.

"Do you like Ladybug?" Rose asked.

Before Marinette could open her mouth, Alya spoke up.

"Girls, we all know who Mari has a crush on. Little radiant-" Marinette elbowed Alya as Adrien approached the girls.

Adrien felt immensely guilty for having revealed Ladybug's feelings for Marinette to all of paris.

Now Ladybug would never get to tell Marinette herself.

The pair would never be able to dream of a beautiful house and hamsters.

Hawk Moth would target Marinette.

Ladybug would never be happy if she was unable to be with Marinette.

And it was all his fault.

"Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette asked him.

The girls exchanged nervous and excited looks with each other.

Marinette always stuttered around Adrien, but now she was talking normally to him.

Did Ladybug have anything to do here?

Adrien gave her the smallest of smiles. "I'm happy for you..."

He went to his seat with the tiniest of aches in his heart, but this wasn't for Ladybug.

He always knew deep inside he would lose her.

But he never thought he would lose her to Marinette.

The girl deserved the world, yes, but deep inside he had also known she had been more than just a friend all along.

Marinette tried to go after Adrien, noticing that something was definitely wrong, but Miss Bustier walked in, telling the class to sit down.

She got a lot of questions asked about Ladybug and if they would ever date, which she easily brushed off by saying "Ladybug is a heroine and I'm a civilian, Hawk Moth would target me."

As school ended, however, things took a different turn.

"What do you think of Ladybug, Marinette?" Mylene asked.

"Do you like her?" They all asked in unison.

"What? No!" Marinette became nervous. "She's just a friend, why would I like her?" Marinette bit her lip, sensing that wasn't exactly the best answer.

The girls squealed in excitement.


All the girls hugged her.

Uh oh.

she's just a friend [currently being rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now