let her go

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AHEM m4r1437 I AM BACK



"Yes, Chat Noir?" She turned towards him.

Wind blew on their faces.

"I've been thinking about it..." Chat started.

"And... Well..." He took a deep breath.

"I... I think you should ask Marinette out."

"Wh...what?" Ladybug stared at him in disbelief.

"I- I still love you, maybe I always will, but you and Marinette deserve to be happy" Her partner told her.

She gave him a weak smile.

"The two of you are amazing, you're both so kind to everyone" Chat Noir smiled at her.

"And if makes you two happy then why not?" He asked

She hugged him. "Thanks Chat..." She was glad he couldn't see the tears starting to pool in her eyes.

He smiled as she pulled away. "I hope you're happy with Marinette."

She nodded. "I- I hope so too..."

Chat Noir cleared his throat. "But don't dare break her heart, okay? She doesn't deserve that."

Ladybug smiled. "I would never."

"Good. She's kind, sweet, brave, smart, cute... she's everything someone could ever want. She doesn't deserve to suffer" Chat said.

"I won't make her suffer, Chaton" She left, and swinging across Paris, a few tears escaped her eyes.

"I did the right thing..." Chat Noir smiled as she left.

He left, and soon back in his room, he detransformed.

"Kid, weren't you in love with Ladybug?" Plagg asked, confused at his strange behavior.

"Ladybug and our everyday Ladybug deserve all the happiness in the world..." Adrien told him.

He muttered something else, but Plagg didn't completely catch it.

Plagg could swear it sounded like "Even if it costs me mine..."

she's just a friend [currently being rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now