The Prophesy

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"General we found the room." The soldier said. "Show me where the room is and call for the king." The general order his man. "It's right here sir" the soldier pointed out. The general opened the door carefully and checked for traps that might be set. The general notice the beautiful art work on the walls. Than his eyes were drawn to a leather book. The general walked over to the book and saw a dragon on the cover. He knew this was the book the king was looking for. The general went to opened the book but the book open automatically for him. The general looked around to make sure no one noticed what just happened. The book had open to the prophesy and what's to come.

The general knew this information was vital to save the young royal that wasn't born yet. The general read over the prophesy that predicts the birth of child. "On the silver moon a child will be born to the King and Queen of the dragons. But the child life will be in danger from another king that wants the child to help him use the dragons to control the lands. When the King see no more use of the child, he will have the child killed. The child must be protected at all cost to save humanity. Beware the dragon child mate will be born on the ice moon a month apart after the dragon child. The child will be born to the King. The king will kill his own child to protect the throne. Once, they find each other a bond will be formed that cannot be broken. They will need to stay together to protect their secrets. They will become a force to reckon with. They will bring peace to the land. Their relationship will be kept a secret from the King to protect both."

The general replaced the book with another that looked the same. This book had a fake prophecy put in it. The general was under orders by the dragon King to replace the book to keep the King of Aurora off their trail. The general moved around the room looking at the different drawings. In just a few hours he will be a uncle and a second father to the unborn child. The general knew he will protect the child as he does his baby girl. He knows the two will be best of friends. The general was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the king coming down the hall.

"Great job general, I've been looking for this book for years. This book will unit are kingdoms and keep peace across the lands." The King said. "This is truly a great day your highness." The general said. The king open the book and found the prophesy on the red moon a child will be born to the King and Queen of the dragons. But the child life will be in danger from those who want to harm the child. The child will join the King to bring peace to the lands." The general noticed a smile on the kings face. "I want ever child born on the full moon to be checked for the dragon symbol. If a child is found, the parents will be killed. The child must be raised inside the castle." The king said.

Thirty miles away the dragon Queen went into labor as predicted. The silver moon was at its highest and soon the child will be born. The Queen knew that after she gives birth, she will only have a few minutes with her new baby. "Come on your highness one more big push. That's it, keep going. Your doing great." The woman said. Soon the Queen and King heard the cry of their daughter. "Congratulations it's a girl." The woman said handing the baby to the Queen. "Look how pretty my baby girl is. Her name will be Bayley and your going to do amazing things. Just remember me and your father love you. We will be watching over you and could visit on the full moon." The Queen said.

With that the Queen kisses her baby on the forehead before handing the baby to the king. The king repeats what his wife says and kisses the baby on the forehead as well. The king than turns to his sister in law and hands the baby to her. "I wish you two had more time with her. Me and Marcus will love Bayley as much as we love are little one." Summer said. "I know you will, but this is for the best for all of us to survive. Please make sure when she gets older, Marcus trains her in are way. She will learn fast but she must keep her powers a secret." The King said.

"Summer please watch over her and thank you to both of you." The Queen said. The Queen kissed Bayley one more time before her and husband walked out the door. A few seconds later Summer was looking at two dragons and watched them take off. "Well little one, they will be back before you know it." Summer said placing a kiss on Bayley forehead. Summer knew this wasn't going to be easy for Bayley without her parents but her and Marcus will do their best to help her through it. The King and Queen left books for Bayley to learn from and to tell her who she was. Summer knew it was important for Bayley to grow up loved and guided her in the right direction. Summer wanted a safe future for Bayley and her daughter Becky.

The general looked at the moon and new it was silver. He wondered if his bothers wife gave birth to either a boy or a girl. He wouldn't be able to find out until later that day when they headed back to Aurora. A noise caught the general attention and noticed a man standing by the trees. The general walked over to the area and was relieved to see it was his brother. "Brother what is the news you bring?" The general asked. "Lita gave birth to a little girl and we named her Bayley. I wanted to thank you personally for taken her in. Please make sure she trained in are way and knows how to protect herself. Did you find what the king was looking for?" The dragon king asked.

"Yes, here it is. It will be safer with you than with me. I have it memorized and made the switch as you wished." The general informed the king. "Thank you, it's important we keep her protected and she crafts her skills. I wish me and Lita were the ones doing it but this is the best for are people and the land." The king said. The general could see the sadness in his brother eyes. "I will watch over her and treat her as she was my own. How is Lita holding up? I know this has to be heart breaking for her." The general asked. "She is heart broken but knows this is the only way to protect her. I will let you get back before anyone notices you are gone. Send an owl if you need me or need to talk. I do want to be kept in the loop about Bayley." The king said.

"I will keep you posted and look forward to seeing both of you on the next full moon." The general said hugging his brother goodbye. The general watched as his brother disappeared into the forest and knew his brother wouldn't change into a dragon until he was back at camp. The general watched the forest and a few minutes later seen a shadow fly into the air. The general had to make plans on training the young dragon and will include his daughter into the training as well. But for now he will enjoy the new addition to his family.

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