What could go wrong?

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"Mom I don't understand why me and Bayley have to go to this gathering. Sure it's great Dean is getting promoted, but there isn't anything for us to do there." Becky said. Summer knew Becky was right, but Marcus wanted them to share their brother's accomplishments. The one that should be complaining is Bayley, but she hasn't said one word, Summer noticed. "Bayley, don't you look lovely in that dress. Just a reminder that the story is your parents passed away in a fire, and we took you in as our own." Summer said, smiling at Bayley. "Yes, ma'am, I understand," Bayley said with hurt in her eyes. Summer knew this hurt Bayley a lot, but it had to be done to protect her. "Do you want to talk about what is bothering you, Bayley?" Summer asked. "No, ma'am," Bayley said as she went to sit down and wait to leave.

Summer was about to sit next to Bayley when Marcus and Dean walked in. "Well, ladies, what do you think?" Marcus asked. "Don't you two look handsome?" Summer said, kissing both Dean and Marcus on the cheek. "Are you three ready to go? Look how pretty your dress is, Bayley." Marcus pointed out. "Hey, what about my dress?" Becky asked. "Yours is lovely, and you both look pretty," Marcus said. Both girls said thank you and got up to leave. Marcus held Bayley back for a moment. "I know this is hard for you, but I know you can handle it. I don't want to keep you locked up here all the time. I want you to go out and about. If the party gets too much, I will bring you and Becky home. I already know she doesn't want to go." Marcus said.

"Thank you, Sir. I won't let you down." Bayley said. Marcus wasn't sure what was going on with Bayley; this is the second time she called him Sir. "You have never let me down, and I'm proud of you. Let us get this over with." Marcus said, walking out with Bayley. Bayley had mixed feelings about all this and wasn't sure if she was ready to tell people her parents had died in a fire. She knew that they both were still alive. She was hidden from the world to protect their kind. Bayley wondered if anyone would be able to love her and would they accept who she was. There is one, your mate that you won't be able to stay away from.

"Sasha, get over here, please, so I can put the final touches on you." The Queen said. "Mom, I look fine," Sasha said. The truth was Sasha felt her soul mate was coming tonight. Ever since that day at thw traing field she kept seeing a person with brown eyes. Sasha knew she was only 17, but she felt this person was the one she would spend her life with. "Ok, girls, let's get a look at you two. I expect both of you two be on your best behavior and not cause a scene. Just because you are royalty doesn't mean you treat people like dirt." The Queen tells her daughters. Sasha noticed Charlotte roll her eyes, "but mom, we are royal, better than everyone else." Charlotte said.

"I don't care, and you treat people with respect." The Queen growled. Charlotte knew she was pushing her luck with their mother. Sasha started to feel the same pull she did at the training ground, and it was getting stronger. Charlotte said something, but Sasha's attention went to that pulling feeling. "Sasha, I was telling you we need to show that we are better than everyone else. I can't believe mom wants us to act like we are commoners." Charlotte retorted. "What? Sorry, I didn't hear everything you said." Sasha tells her. "Girls, let's go greet are guess will becoming soon." The Queen yelled at them.

Sasha followed her mother and Charlotte to the ballroom. Sasha couldn't shake this feeling she had, and then it happened. Sasha noticed the general talking to her father. The general moved a brown hair girl forward to meet the King. The girl looked up and locked eyes with Sasha. Sasha couldn't look away from the girl and wanted to meet her. "Hello General, You know my wife and I would like to introduce to my daughters Charlotte and Sasha." The King said. "It's nice to meet both of you. This is my daughter Becky and my niece Bayley." The general said.

"Niece? Where are your parents at?" Sasha asked Bayley. "Sasha that is rude and none of your business." The Queen said. Bayley was about to say something, but Becky spoke up. "Her parents died in a fire, and that's all you need to know," Becky said. "Becky, mine your manners." The general said. The general was going to move the girls on but not before Charlotte made a comment. "So, you're an orphan and your unwanted child," Charlotte said. Sasha could see the pain in Bayley's eyes as Charlotte said it.

Sasha wanted to pull Bayley into a hug. "She is not an orphan and part of our family," Becky growled. "It sounds like she is just a burden to your family. Why would anyone want to take an orphan in and care for them?" Charlotte asked. "Once again, she is family, and that's all that matters," Becky said. The Queen was mad at how her daughters were acting a towards Bayley. Becky felt father hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Becky, it was nice to meet all of you." The General said. Becky could tell that Bayley was hurt by what Charlotte had just said. Wonder why her father didn't standup for Bayley.

"Great job making the orphan feel worthless! Too bad you didn't make her cry." Sasha said. Sasha noticed Bayley was looking at her and could tell Bayley had heard what she said to Charlotte. "How could she hear that though?" Sasha asked herself. Charlotte just nodded at what Sasha just said to her. The Queen turned to her daughter, both of you will stay away from the General daughters." The Queen said.

"Correction one daughter and the other is an orphan." Charlotte said. "Keep pushing your luck Charlotte and you will regret it. Do I make myself clear?" The Queen asked. Both girls could tell her mom wasn't messing around. Both Charlotte and Sasha knew their mom would be watching them like a hawk. Sasha kept her eyes on Bayley and got mad that Bayley wasn't by her side.

Then, two other girls walk up to Bayley and the stupid redhead. Sasha watched as the blonde one hugged Bayley. "You can let her go anytime now!" Sasha thought to herself. Sasha watched as the four girls walked away together. Sasha wanted to know where they went and what they were doing together. Sasha noticed that they had moved to the balcony. Sasha watched as the blonde got closer to Bayley.

Sasha wanted to rip that blonde arm off. Sasha didn't know what came over her but she walked out to the balcony to say something to the blonde.Bayley could feel anger coming from someone. Becky friend Liv moved closer to her. Bayley tried to move away when she felt someone arm wrapped around her waist. Sasha moved right next to Bayley and wrapped her arm around Bayley waist. Instantly Bayley looked into Sasha eyes. Sasha was taken back and had to collect herself before speaking. "Hello ladies, I wanted to check to see if you all having a good time?" Sasha asked. The blonde and we her friend got nervous fast. They both were afraid what the princess might do something to them. They could tell the princess was interested in Bayley. "We are doing fine and what do you want?" Becky asked. Becky didn't like the fact Sasha was so close to Bayley.

Sasha was going to say something back when the Queen came out on the balcony. "Is there a problem out here ladies?" The Queen asked. "No your majesty, we were telling the princess we are having a good time. Can't wait to see are brother Dean get his promotion." Becky said. The queen smiled at Becky but noticed that Sasha and Bayley never took their eyes off each other. "That's good to hear, we'll continue enjoying the party, Sasha let's go." The Queen said. The queen could tell that Sasha didn't want to leave Bayley.

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