Why her?

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Bayley knew she needed Sasha by her side and knew Sasha would find a way to make it happen. Bayley laid there thinking about the dream. It felt so real and Bayley didn't want it to end. Bayley noticed her necklace started to glow. She knew she needed to go to the dragon cave. The necklace would lead her to the cave. Bayley wanted to find answers and the only place Bayley felt she could find the answers was in the dragon caves.

Bayley wanted to leave as soon as possible to make it through the mountains. Bayley started packing her bag. She sat down and decided to write a note for her uncle and aunt to let them know where she went. Bayley wasn't sure if they would be happy with her going. But the truth was Bayley wanted to get answers. Bayley left her room and placed the note on the table.

Bayley wanted to use her power to get to the dragon cave. Bayley knew no one would see her because she was dressed in black. Bayley could see in the dark and its help the moon was being covered. Bayley looked back at the house before taking off. As Bayley ran, memories of the dream of Sasha kept going through her mind. Then memories of how Sasha treated her kept popping in her mind as ran through the forest.

After a few hours, Bayley walked up to a hidden wall on the side of the mountain. Bayley looked around to make sure no one was around before touching the wall. The wall formed a door and Bayley walked in. Bayley turned to make sure the door closed. Once Bayley knew the door was sealed, she turned around to walk into the cave.

The cave lite up instantly as she moved down the walkway. The painting on the walls started lighting up. The picture told a story of the dragon king and his wife. Bayley noticed that the picture predicted her birth and what would happen after. Bayley looked at the king and queen handing over their child to the king brother. Bayley just stood there looking at the painting. She reached up and touched the painting of her parents. Bayley looked at her uncle and aunt and was thankful for them. They have made their home welcoming to her. But as of late, Bayley has felt out of place. Like she is meant to be somewhere else.

Bayley was going to move on when another painting lite up. This one showed the birth of a blue haired princess. It showed that the king wanted to kill her because of her hair. The queen begged the king to spare their daughter life. Bayley felt a need to protect the princess and to ripe the kings head off. Bayley, didn't know where that feeling came from. She knew she would have to keep that emotion under control. That desire to be with Sasha was going stronger.

Bayley walked into a room that was filled with books. There was table and chairs so the person can read the books. Bayley noticed another area with a bed for a person could rest. Bayley was thankful she didn't have to sleep on the floor. Bayley wasn't sure where to start but figured to grab the first book and start reading. Hopefully the books will have the answers that she was looking for.

Summer awoke from a nightmare, and knew something bad was coming. Summer got up and headed to the kitchen to start breakfast. When walking into the kitchen, Summer eyes fell on the table. Summer pickup the letter and read.

Dear Ma ma and Sir,

My necklace started to glow and I had a desire to go to the dragon cave. I need to find a book and the dragon cave is the only place I know that might have the answer I'm looking for. I don't want you guys to worry. I will be safe there and will return when I find the answers I'm looking for.


Summer couldn't believe Bayley left the house on her own. Summer went to Bayley room to see if she really left. Summer felt like apart of herself was missing. She always been good to Bayley and treated her like her own. Summer broke down and started crying. "Summer what's wrong my love?" Marcus asked. Summer couldn't pull herself together enough to tell Marcus that Bayley left. Marcus waited for Summer to say something but all she did was hand him a note.

Marcus couldn't believe Bayley took off to the dragon caves. All Bayley needed to do was ask and he would have taken her there. "Summer, it will be ok and I will get her back. I know you love her as a daughter and this hurts. I don't think Bayley did this to hurt us. She looking for something." Marcus said. Marcus called for Dean. After 20 minutes Dean came walking into the house. "I got here as soon as I could. What is the problem?" Dean asked. Marcus handed Dean Bayley note.

Dean was surprised that Bayley would take off. "What caused her to take off? It's not like her to take off without one of us. Do you want me to go after her?" Dean asked. "No, I will go after Bayley myself. We should be back sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. Dean, I need you to address the King and Queen on safety matters. You are in charge until I get back. I know you can do this job." Marcus told Dean.

"Thank you dad, I won't let you down. I will make sure everyone is protected while you are gone. I will head to the castle now and talk to the King and Queen." Dean said. Marcus then turned to Sunmer, "Dear I will bring her back home. Most likely during the night so we can use are gifts to travel back. I want to make sure no one see us." Marcus said. "Just bring are little girl home. I know she hurting and confused by something." Summer said hugging Marcus. Marcus had a feeling he was part of the reason Bayley took off like she did. One thing for sure he needed to get her back home.

Bayley felt like she must had read every book in this library. Bayley felt sleep coming on and remembered the bed in the corner. Bayley took her book and laid on the bed. After a few minutes Bayley eyes started to get heavy and soon sleep took over. A person was running through the forest looking for a place to hide. Soon the person comes into a cave and comes face to face with a dragon. The girl didn't know what to do. Face death by the dragon or from the king's guard. The girl decided to hide under the dragon wing. The girl moved carefully under the dragon wing not trying to wake it. The young woman felt the dragon wing move her closer. "You need to keep quiet so the guards will not find you." The dragon mentally told the young lady. Soon the girl heard the king's guard entering the cave.

"There nothing in here, which way did she go than?" One guard said. "I don't want to look anymore. We should tell the king the girl fell off the cliff into the ocean." The other guard said. "I agree and let's get back to the castle before it gets dark." The guard said walking out of the cave. The young woman didn't want to move. "Young lady you are safe and they won't becoming back." The man said.

The young lady was surprised that she was being held my a man and not the dragon wing. "What happened to the dragon?" The young women asked. "Well, I am the dragon and it was important for you to stay quiet. I don't need them to alert the king there are dragons around. I am curious why the kings men were chasing you?" The man asked. "I was assigned to be a companion to my best friend. The prince chose her to be his wife. I don't want to wait on my friend and I left the castle. I was upset and he sent the guards to bring me back. I love my best friend but I don't want to be her companion." The women said.

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