the Queen sadness

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The Queen had been tossing and turning all night. She was mad at her girls for how they acted. Then to find out that Sasha found her mate. The bad part of it was how she was treating Bayley. Bayley being the daughter of her best friend. Seeing Bayley made the Queen think of Lita and first time she thought she died at the hands of the king's guards. It was always the same nightmare, Lita telling her that it's her fault she died. Lita telling her, she thought she meant something to her. The Queen would be lying to herself if she said she didn't have feelings for her friend. When the prince chose her, she had no other choice but to marry him.

It always broke her heart to see Lita walk the other way if she was walking down the same corridor. The Queen tried to get Lita to come see her when she was in the castle but she always got a different companion to see her. Trish knew the companions were protecting Lita from someone or something. Then that day came when the guards told the King that the companion had jumped off the cliff. At the time, the now Queen didn't know that the King was trying to sleep with Lita. He planned to use her for sex and then kill her.

Trish made the prince promise no harm would come to any companion moving forward. The prince agreed and the rules changed for the companions. Even if all the improvements, Trish still missed Lita company. What they had together was special and she wish Lita was still here with her. Trish remember going to the market one day and seeing Lita. Trish wasn't sure at first if it was her but felt that connection to her. Trish wasn't going to be denied talking to that person.

Trish had her guards pull the women into a private area and told them to stand guard. Trish couldn't believe it, Lita was standing before her. "I was told you died, how could you still be here?" Trish asked. At first Lita didn't want to say anything to her. But her feelings for Trish were too strong and she kissed her friend. Trish return the kiss right away. But still wanted her questions answered. "I hide from the guards and they assumed I died. It was too painful for me to go back to castle so I went to the north kingdom." Lita told Trish.

"Lita you have to know how much you mean to me. I never wanted you as my companion. I just wanted you to be near me." Trish said. "That's all I wanted to but that's not the reason I ran. The King wanted to have sex with me. He wanted the guards to take me to his camber. I've seen what happened to companions when he was done with them. I didn't want to be with him or be treated like dirt. So I ran until I found a place to hide. Plus, I didn't feel I had anyone at the castle anymore. You were with the future king and you couldn't be seen teaching me how to read and write. It wouldn't have looked good for you just to be hanging around me." Lita said turning her back to Trish.

"Lita, you mean the world to me and I don't care what title I have." Trish said moving closer to Lita. Trish moved closer and whispered, "you have my heart and I don't regret anything that happened between us. I love you." Lita turned around and pulled Trish in for a hug. Whispered back, "I feel the same and I love you too. You need to need to go back to the castle." With that Lita kissed Trish one more time before walking away.

The Queen heart just broke thinking about it and wondered when the General would show up to address the King. The Queen wanted to ask the General how Bayley was and if she could have tea with her. After last night events, her thought of Bayley and how much she is like Lita kept coming back to her. The Queen took a deep breath and looked out the window. Her thoughts went to Lita and how much she meant to her. The Queen knew she screwed up with her and could never get the time back together. The Queen remembered hearing about Lita passing and that her baby survived. The Queen would have taken Lita baby in as her own.  The Queen was heartbroken when she found out that the General took Lita baby.

The Queen hoped that the General would bring the child to the King parties but he only brought his wife. So, when the General brought Bayley, instantly she knew she was Lita daughter. It broke her heart to see the sadness in Bayley eyes when they said her mom had died. The way her daughters acted a towards Bayley made get so mad. She couldn't believe her daughter would act like that to someone. Trish knows people have said her daughters were rude to the villagers. The Queen has done everything in her power to get her daughters to be nice to people.

The Queen hated the fact she had to relive the lost of Lita again. Now she had another problem on her hands. Sasha and Bayley are meant to be together like it was foretold by the gypsy. She now has two people to protect from her husband. The Queen thought back to the day Sasha was born. The king was gone on a trip and Sasha came on the ice moon. Trish labor was rough and when she finally did her last push the companion was shocked by the baby hair. "What is wrong with my baby?" The Queen asked worried.

"Your highness, you have daughter and her hair I think is blue." The companion said worried. The Queen didn't remember the Gypsy telling her daughter hair would be blue. The Queen knew the king would take this as a sign and kill her. "You will not mention this to anyone and if the king finds out I will know you told him. It will mean death for you." The Queen said. "We could make wigs for her to hide the hair. You know I will not betray you because of Lita." The companion said. The Queen was taken back by what the companion just said to her.

"What do you mean?" The Queen asked. "Lita asked me to watch over you. I won't let Lita down." The companion said handing over the baby. The Queen knew the companion has been at every birth and helps watch over the kids. "You kept in touch with Lita all these years?" The Queen asked. "Yes, a letter came to me and I thought it was a joke. But when I went to the market Lita was there and asked me to watch over you. I could tell she meant the world to her so I agreed." The companion said.

The Queen was brought out of her thoughts when she heard her husband great the captain. The Queen wounded where the General was. "Hello your majesty, the General has asked me to to address both of you on security today." Dean said. "Well this is a surprise are newly promoted captain. I'm sure the General has good reason for not being here." The King said. "I insure you he will be back tomorrow. We do have concerns about bandits in the area. We do have added more guards to your sons. We want to add a couple more guards to your daughters as well. The General and I feel the princess should limit their time at the market. We feel that the princesses would be in high danger." Dean said.

"I hope the general had a plan in place to catch these men? When caught, I want them to hang as a reminder not to mess with my family." The King said. "We have a team looking for them and we will bring them in." Dean said. "Make sure you and the General get the job done or I will order your family to hang." The King said. The Queen couldn't believe her husband just said that to the captain. "I will pass on the message when I see the General. Thank you for your time." Dean said before leaving. The Queen took a deep breath and followed Dean out the door.

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