What this feeling?

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The General watched Bayley run the training course that he put the soldiers through. He was impressed how Bayley learned how to adapt and continue to improve her skills. "Bayley is much better than are top guys." Dean said with a smile on his face. "Maybe we should put her to the test. Get the top three guys and we will see how well she does." The General said. "You know I was kidding right? I don't want to see Bayley get hurt. I know she is capable of beat them but I don't want these guys to lose confidence." Dean said.

"I know, don't think it didn't cross my mind but I need to know how advanced she is. Plus, she will be wearing a mask so the guys won't know they are getting their asses beat by a girl." The general said. Dean still didn't have a good feeling about this. "Bayley I want to test your skills. I need to see how well you can defend yourself and your reaction. I have picked out my 3 best guys. No you won't be going against Dean. Are you up to the challenge?" The General asked.

Bayley knew this was a great opportunity to show the General how much she has improved. Plus, she wanted a good report to be given to her parents. She wanted them to know that she was working hard and improving her skills everyday. Bayley also knew she would have to control her powers. She didn't want to hurt the men she would be going against. "Yes sir, I'm up to the challenge and to show how much I've improved." Bayley said putting on her mask.

The General wasn't use to Bayley calling him sir. He didn't pay much attention to it because they were around others. "Ok, let see which one of you can take this person down. The person that can do it will get the rest of the day off but if you can't then you will get extra work." The general said. Becky stood by her father and Dean to watch Bayley. Becky knew Bayley could handle these guys without any issues. "Dean do you think any one of these guys could take her out?" Becky asked worried. Dean bent down so only Becky could hear, "you know she much stronger than them. Yes will finish them off fast." Dean said.

Becky watched as the guard went to attack Bayley. Bayley moved out of the guard way and took him out fast. Dean was right Bayley wasn't going to waste anytime with these guys. Becky noticed her dad had a smile on his face. Bayley was showing she took her training seriously. Becky couldn't be more proud of Bayley. Then Becky noticed something caught Bayley eye and Bayley had turned to that person. Becky noticed that the Queen and one of her daughters was watching Bayley. "Sir, the Queen is watching and is in harms way." Dean said moving in the direction of the Queen.

Becky and the General watch as Bayley looked frozen to the sport. The guard noticed as well and charged at Bayley. Bayley since that someone was coming at her and the blue hair girl. Bayley did a move that through the guard in the air and to the ground. Bayley moved over the guard and pointed her sword to his throat. The guard surrendered and Bayley released him. When Bayley turned around to look at the girl again Dean was moving them away.

Bayley felt a sadness set in and wasn't sure what came over her. Bayley knew she let the General down and decided to walk away. She didn't think she could handle his disappointment and what if he told her parents. Bayley started to walk away but felt like she needed to be with the girl. Bayley didn't realize that Becky had walked up behind her. "Bayley, it's me Becky please don't attack me." Becky said.

Bayley just looked at Becky without saying anything. "Are you ok? That last move was awesome." Becky said. "It doesn't matter, I made a mistake. I lost focus and I should have finished him. I don't know what happened to me. I don't know why that girl distracted me. I can't let that happen again. I feel like I let them down." Bayley said started to walk away.

"Wait, you didn't let anyone down. You were great and you handle the distraction great. That guard had no clue you would react that why. Come on let's go home." Becky said. The princess couldn't stop watching the mask person. All she wanted was to be with that person. Sasha had no clue where to find that person at. "Your majesty's you guys ok? I wasn't aware that you were coming down here." The general said.

"My daughter started to walk down here. Not sure why she wanted to come but we ended up here. It was a very interesting match? Is that masked person apart of are arm?" The Queen asked. "No, that person isn't part of are army. It was personal training session and I wanted to see how the person did. I couldn't be more proud of that person." The general said.

Dean was so happy that Bayley did amazing but wondered how she was feeling. Dean noticed the princess was watching Bayley walk away. Dean wondered if Sasha would cause issues for Bayley. "Dean can you please make sure those two make it to their destination ok. I'm going to walk the Queen and her daughter back to the castle." General said.

Dean hurried up so he could catch up with the girls. "Hey you did amazing Bayley. Dad just told the Queen she was so proud of you." Dean said. "No, I messed up and I got distracted by that girl. I don't understand what happened." Bayley said. Dean could tell this was bothering Bayley. "It will be ok and your skills are amazing. I know I don't want to get into a fight with you." Dean said hugging Bayley.

"Hey you three how was the training this afternoon?" Summer asked hugging all three of them. Summer could tell something was bothering Bayley. Bayley didn't say anything and walked to her room. "What's wrong with Bayley? Did her training session go wrong?" Summer asked. "She did amazing job. Dad even told the queen he was proud of her. But Bayley feels she made a mistake. She got distracted but still handled the guard like he was nothing." Dean said.

Bayley couldn't shake the feeling of going back to be that girl. Bayley looked for one of the books her parents left her.  Bayley knew what page she was looking for. "When coming of age the person will be drawn to his or her mate. The desire to be next to them will be hard to ignore." Could she really be her mate. Bayley needed to clear her mind so she climbed out the window and headed to the lake.

Bayley decided that she would go for a swim. The water would help calm her down and she could start thinking straight again. Bayley let the water take control but all it did was bring images of the girl that caught her eye. Bayley decide that she will push the girl out of her mind. She needed to work harder and sharpen her skills more. Bayley didn't realize that it started to get dark.

Bayley knew her aunt wouldn't be to happy with her for staying away to long. Bayley decided to climb back through the window. She really didn't want to hear anyone bitch at her. Bayley just laid down on the bed and her aunt came in. "I'm not going to yell at you. I know something is bothering you. Dean told me that you were amazing out on the training field. Your uncle is very proud of you." Summer told Bayley.

"How could he be proud of me? When I got distracted. I don't even know what came over me." Bayley said sadly. "Bayley, you are to hard on yourself. You still handle that guard without any issues. Your skills and ability is amazing. You are making your parents proud. Come on dinner is ready." Summer said.

The general got up and hugged Bayley when she walked into the kitchen with Summer. "I'm so proud of you little one. Your skills are coming along great and I know you will get better." The General said. Bayley felt like he was telling her that she needs to work harder. Bayley knew she still had a lot to learn. She just needed to work harder and stay away from that girl. It could only bring her trouble down the road.

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