Chapter 2

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Jonathan pov:

I sat in a wooden chair in my room, staring out of the window. Where the hell is she? It was almost midnight and she still hasn't returned. Anger flared through me and I gripped the edge of the chair I sat on. How dare she leave without my knowledge and be out this late! I jumped up from the chair and looked around. After finding my phone I pressed Clarys contact name and pressed call. I held my phone up to my ear and paced back and forth around my large room. She is in so much trouble when she gets home. I smirked at the thought of burning her. One ring, two rings, three rings. I was listening to the fourth ring when it got cut off and replaced with her voice. "What do you want?" Anger was dripping off her voice when she asked. My face started to turn red with madness. How dare she talk to me like that. I opened my mouth to scream at her when I heard laughter on the other end. I shut my mouth it one fast move. My teeth went through my lip as I bit it. "Got you, leave a message after the beep if it's that important. And a message to my annoying brother...." I waited for the recording to continue.  How could I be that foolish and think she answered. She sent my straight to voicemail for crying out loud! She was going to get it when she got home. I stood still as I held my breath. What message did she need to tell me? I heard her breath in and out until she spoke next. "Leave me alone" she gave a shift laugh and then I heard the beeping noise which meant that I could talk now. I was silent. Her words replayed in my mind over and over again. How dare she! How dare she say that about me! I was filled with anger and violence. When I spoke it made me even shiver. "Clary. You. Are. Dead" I ended the call. I was about to explode when I heard her say that. She really was dead the next time I see her. I dropped my phone where I was standing and raced over to the elevator. I slam my hand into the down button. She is so dead. How could she do this to me? After all we have been through, after having each others backs, after fighting and almost killing each other. She chooses now to make a wrong turn. I am an older over protective brother and I know that, but it's also much more. We are both demons and yet Shadowhunters, we are the same. She just doesn't relize that this was a written path.To be together. Yes I know were siblings but were not human so it doesn't matter. I will give her time to find the truth about us but for now, she was going to get beaten. Before I know it I'm already out of the elivator and running outside. I stop to stand on the proch before going after her but then I see something in the distance. Thanks to my sight rune I can see a small figure coming towards me wearing all black. Clarys red long curls fly in the wind along with the black ends she dyed 2 years ago. From afar I can tell she's wearing Shadowhunter gear. But her outfit always has a little style. She had on black pants with weapons attached all along her legs and even spikes. She had on a tight looking long sleeved shirt that was also leather and had spikes along the arms. Her weopon belt was along around her waistand I can see Heosphoros shine even in dead night. I can tell she see me now because a smirk was now on her face that wasn't there a second ago. I start to walk towards her but it was more like a speed walk. I couldn't wait until I could hear her cry out in pain. She notices the anger in me and she starts to turn angry herself. Her eyes turn fully black like I imagine mine did. See we were the same. We would do this all the time when we were about to attack. It was like trying to shock your opponent before you hurt them. Sometimes it helps, but really we both are the best of the best. Nobody would be able to get up unless Heavnly Fire of course. But nobody knows are weekness because we both have kept it a screct even from Father. We are both charging at each other now. When we coiled I try to keep my breath even. Clary might be smaller than me but she was just a good of a fighter as me. She had already kicked my side and punched my stomach like I was a punching bag. I sucked in a breath as I pulled my fist back and then release it. Clary saw it coming and tries to dodge it but not even her un-human speed could have helped her. My first punch pushes into her left side when she try's to jump to the right. She smirks at me and then the next thing I know I'm thrown to the ground, my feet kicked out from under me. I blink And then there's Clary. Her red and black curls are everywhere. There is blood on her clothes but not that bad as me. She saddles me and then starts to punch me in my face. After I feel a few blows I sit up taking her by surprise and grab hold over her shoulder and flip her over so she's behind me on her back. I stand quickly and advance on her but she's gone. I'm confused for a second then I hear rustling of trees. My black heart skips a beat. The woods. She ran into the woods. I already lost.

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