Chapter 3

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Clary knows those woods like the back of her hand. She would always go in them to hunt live animals because they're full of them or she would go to climb trees. Did I tell you she's an artist? Well she gets it from her gift or maybe it was always in her. She can create new runes not from the grey book and can draw anything in a blink of an eye. I smile despite the situation I'm in. I let out a low chuckle and shout to Clary. "you know you already won Clary! Now come on and get out of the trees! Father will be home early in the morning!" I heard a grunt from the woods and then I hear her reply in an amused voice. "Are you telling me that I won Jonathon?" I sigh and look at my bloody feet. God, sometimes she really does push my buttons. "yes you win" I say in an indoor voice. I hear Clary laugh softly. "I can't hear you John, do speak up" I smile as I hear her words, what happened earlier was now forgotten. "YES CLARY YOU WON" I shout so loud that if we had neighbours they would be outside shouting at us to shut up. The tree beaches move again as I wait for Clary to get out of them. I'm starting to get impatient when I hear a cough from behind me. My head snaps around and I see Cary standing there smiling her sweet and yet murderous smile. I shake my head as my hand snachs her arm and drag her was more like just holding her arm because she didn't need my help to go inside, she was just as fast as me even though she was a little smaller then me. Well ahead shorter. As were both walking into the Library to study some more, which never hurts if you want to be better than your sister but both of us freeze in the doorway. What we see surprises us. In the Library stands a man. He wears black jeans and a long black leather jacket that almost reaches his ankles. His White almost sliver hair is perfect and it looks exactly like my own hair. He's pain skin was like me and Clarys and he has the same black eyes we were born with. He looked up from a book he picked up and set it down smiling at both of us. He steps around the glass case the contained the Grey Book and walked over to us. he wore a big smile on his face but Clary and I knew it was fake. We knew he came here to punish us or make go on a mission. That's the only time he comes home after I turned 9 and Clary 7. He looked us both up and down and nods his head in approval, but for what? For getting ourselves beaten up? "My children, how wonderful your training with each other and making each other stronger" Valentine says in a deep voice, his face was unreadable, not letting us know what was in store for us. I couldn't help but feel a small spark of fear hit me.

Sorry about the small chapter guys! I got a little busy but didn't want to punish you by not updating!

Raylinn ✌️

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