1. when they met

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Looking from even afar, over this miles of stretching unending greens, cascading valley, the land of free flowing wind, one can clearly see a small child sobbing unabshed. As he runs towards a bridge over a turbulent river, a river who seems serenading to the dancing white foamy waterfall;..hiccuping as he takes in  panting breaths while quickening his pace.

Painting a quite pitiful but a beautiful figure nonetheless, with his porcelain white skin gleaming in the afternoon sun and brown raven silky shining hair complementing his fair flawless skin ;

As he sprints towards the forest on the other side, where his parents have taken refuge and humbly residing with his paternal grand mom. His family,his solace against the big bad world.

He is fast but the flowing tears hinder his pace and also slugging his motion are the swirling inexhaustible paining reminisce of happenings, that took place few minutes before.

Why should those big rowdy group of boys be so mean to him?

Just because he doesn't belong to their clan? Because he is a lower wolf rank? An omega! The male body with bearer breed!

But why can't they be a little kind? A little considerate of another's feelings, pain? Why can't he, an alone boy younger to them, pick the remaining ripe lip smacking mangoes from those tall trees : though he was patiently waiting till after those sickos have already finished plucking most of the load? And had their fill of the goey deliciousness?Or taste those sweetest of strawberries, which grows wild in the fertile patch of land of this valley?

That patch is a no man's land! Didnt his father say, he can play and do as he pleases there? That this clan head and the wolves belonging under him were different from the earlier ones! Then why did those boys push him? Why did they threaten to do something nasty if he ever dared to return back again? Scartched him, punched him, threatened to rip off his clothes?

And he couldn't even fight them. A louder sob escapes him. Remembering his helplessness.

How can he? There were ten of them against one of him..so Like a coward he ran off from their filthy grasps. His inner stoically fiesty wolf screaming in utter and sheer frustation.

Why can't he have friends or belong to a clan? Or be treated like others are treated! With dignity!

Why do his parents are forced to be nomads? Moving constantly from place to place for years and still unable to find their safe hierath. Everywhere they had taken refuge, they  had always been treated as second class citizens. The memories of the last experience of so called safe home, still sends shudders through the poor young soul.

He just doesn't understand why but! Why can't he go to school or be with similar age peers or have atleast one, anyone, someone he can call a friend..

Alas, if he had just belonged to a clan, if he had a group of his own.. could those boys bully him; obviously no! He would instead have beaten those bully boys black and blue! Surely he could have! Younger omega or whatever, he is no weakling!

As he runs, and runs, trying to drown out their mocking laughter, sensing the gnawing pain on his face, arms, stomach where they had kicked him; And those vile words of hate; his tears stream down relentlessly.

Feeling pathetic as well as an unhindered boiling rage within him, fuelled by the thirst of retribution; he strives on towards the bridge. He can't turn to his wolfram still or he would have given reign to his angry frustrated beast growling within.

A hundred new questions swirling in his kiddo head, a thousand unanswered answers turmoiling inside raging to be demanded of his parents! Especially to his ever optimistic grand mom! Who says everything is going to be alright. Everytime his life spirals down. But when?

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