4. Human alchohol win

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We are arriving at the culmination of everything slowly but surely
And one thing Kongpob nor Arthit's purity of feeling in this story stems from their virginity
That means, it doesn't make Kong less in his place, because he had to sleep with to satiate his Wolfish needs...
Or make Arthit pure or more in this puzzle of relationship,
just because well he didn't.
He just didn't get the time to date or find another sexy alpha/beta.
Nothing like he was saving his ass for Kong or something
Wink, Lol.
In real world too, people do date others or explore before realising their one.

So, Let's begin....

Kongpob about to be 20 and Arthit 18plus.

"Why the farting fuck are we here phi? Has the break up with phi Nina finally gone to your head ?"

Oon literally shouts to be heard above the acoustics of the human nightclub, karaoke come bar.

The music inside booms aloud as the human men and women gyrate their body against each other. The dancing lights almost dazzles his eyes. But more than the smell of sweat and some disgusting sweet fragnanced smoke, laser lights of myriad of colours, the loud bass beats resonating inside hurts ; it's a pure auditory ding dong dang to the wolf ears.

The younger doesn't comprehend and remains baffled by the elder's strange choice of place.That too after months of both of theirs, heavy gruelling schedule, the woman Nina's various butting in ploys, leaving them rare to no chance to be in each other's company, alone.

Why choose this ringing place, does the sly ever prankining alpha wolf plan on giving him tinnitus.. the Omega keeps on thinking as the oblivious happy alpha soon drags him to a far corner and opens a well concealed booth door. That too with a key card into a surprisingly well furnished kind of silent room. And further baffling the younger, pushes his stunned body to sit upon a huge fluffy comfy red couch bang in the centre of the room. Before settling himself beside the bewildered face with a contented sigh.

The omega is, but not amused. Why is he here@ @? After EVERYTHING they did. Kong would have rolled his eyes if he had heard the omega's mental tirade for sure.

Well, Nothing dirty get the minds out of gutter pls. The ground breaking news folks, everything is quite simple or not so simple if you look from our dear Oon's perspective.

The omega, dindindin, LIED to his father about his whereabouts for the weekend. The unsuspecting father knows his darling ever truthful, nerdy, forced to remain virgin son, is at Kong's mansion studying for a difficult first semester college project. And later will sleep there if late, at his designated guest room; like he has done many a times. Big OMG right!? For Oon it is!

And Kong's parents? they have been told the alpha is with Wad and Em at his house. Confined to his room. To spend some quality time and project work.
And the guards shouldn't disturb him. The alpha then had escaped like he had done multiple times before, climbing down his window! Piece of cake and no big deal for him!

It does help that both their fathers are out of station for three whole days over a new bridge development. And Kong's mom taking care of the new born twin, his niece and nephew, at his sister's house.

Mariam is there to take care of Oon's ailing grandmother and the omega for sure knows the beta will cover for him if things go wrong. Like Em and Wad will do for Kong.

So the excited omega who has never done something like this ever, which is so out of character for him, was expecting a Beach outing or something similar along the line; definitely not a day moving around shopping and eating in a human snow filled township, chilling cold albeit extremely beautiful, far from home; and then thrown into this.. this posh over the top rowdy club!

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