2. first fight

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One thing I want to clear about this story and this chap Especially, is that it will be have cursing and foul language.

Since our Arthit here is mature for his age, seen murkiness of the world enough as a refugee child and our Kong is an old soul to balance him out.

So their dialogues may not seem child like or age appropriate.
But That's how I have imagined them.
And that's how the story will progress.
And it's an omegaverse so their sexual maturity is also different.

Let's begin then.

Arthit 11. Kongpob 12.5 almost 13.


" I am not talking to you. Why are you here? Go back to your non replying, no communication days. Why don't you? You were happy without talking to me. Not once you bothered to call me in seven fucking days..You..you uncaring moron. You Self centred brute. Just. Go. Away."

Another bemused alpha boy called Pasat Rachida watches the unimaginable scene unfolding between next in line heir Kongpob Suthilack, who is visibly squirming and a mere nobody omega boy, Arthit Rojanapat, who is definitely fuming. And cursing the pack heir in colourful languages!

What audacity!

Pasat's eyes go big and roll so hard that it may have just fallen back into his sockets detaching from the optical ligaments. His friends at the small canteen table they are sharing ; are also watching the scene with equal balance of mocking smile on their faces and horror at the language used by the clearly frustrated and angry Omega..

"Trouble in Paradise."

One of them declares smugly. A Beta Shen. Sipping his coffee.. as the others snicker audibly, loving the sudden unfolding drama.

They feel some kind of elation seeing the so called best friends fighting. And the alpha getting flustered and increasingly irritated on getting cold shoulder, rude words and scornful eyes from a lowly omega, in a public and crowded space. Their own school canteen teeming with students of various classes and sections.

" Kongpob is going to snap in a few minutes and then what happens afterwards, that will be the real fun to watch. And I will be eager and happy to be his yes man then. And obviously will be there to fuel the fire already ignited."

Pasat gleefully commented. As his other friends gives him a knowing encouraging look. Shen even going as far as to give him a fist bump.

They are Kongpob Suthilack's classmate since primary level and had tried quite hard to get into the good books of the heir alpha; who is well on his way to become the next pack leader. And with the way his aura is shaping day by day, he is definitely a high alpha himself. The precious Sutthilak genes shining through in all its brilliance.

But Kongpob has never ever spared Pasat's group even a parting glance. Though they all belong to the so called high class clan ranks.

Kongpob sutthilak has two friends, Wad and Em. And hangs out with those of his core group only..

Both of them, high betas from their pack; both of their parents belonging to a high diplomatic positions, not unlike the group of Pasat and Shen. All of them infact are from the same school section and social ranks.

But the trio of Kong, Wad and Em always have been, the ideal students with impeccable conduct and academic records. The three remains quite close knit and extremely private.

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