7. Peace

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" I always make you cry here."

A loud thunder again claps somewhere nearby. The light flash illuminating the colour drained, ashen petrified silhouette of the omega.

As the alpha speaks breaking the silence stretched and tensed. His voice hardly audible above the constant gargle of the pelting rain and the fast flowing gushing waterfall. But the Omega faces no difficulty hearing the pain infused words above the nature's loud pitter patter.

The omega's golden eyes are kept in a locked interlude with the ruby ones. His lips quivering , chewed raw, in a suppressed show of emotions. The heavy incessant downpour around, skilfully hiding both of theirs falling pearls.

The lights around the foot bridge have long since been switched off, as it's always done during heavy thunderstorms. The sense of anxiety, the air of clenching sadness between them increasing the depth of the darkness. And the alpha can't unsee, even in the dark, the sheer amount of apprehension and fear of unknown, shining in those golden brown, bloodshot pools, locked with his.

One of them has to speak and Kongpob understands this time he has to be the one. Not Arthit.

" Yes, I always make you cry. Right at this spot. Our spot.
How I detest your tears, or hate anyone causing you any pain. But I am the one doing it again and again.
Through years."

The alpha wipes his eyes and face with the palm of his two hand. The occasional gust of cold air involuntarily making them both shudder or is it the spreading chill that has settled deep within their soul ?

The omega itches to touch his phi but stands a few feet apart. Immobile, as the alpha continues. His voice shattering Arthit's heart. Words bleeding it.

"The first meeting, the first fight and now this. The news which should have brought you joy. Should have been shared with the world in celebration and pride.

I made the circumstances such that.., ..that you are lamenting, regretting and crying. And hiding from me. For hours. Sigh. And were you not planning to tell me what's going on at all Oon? Were you seriously debating to keep me locked in dark, over this life altering news?"

Arthit's eyes doesn't move over from his phi Kongpob's. He awaits. Breathing heavy. Ragged inspirations controlling the overflowing emotions can be heard clearly.

He stands still like a stone but. Emotions shrouded by the dark. Silence his answer. Something in his tensed coiled stance but tells the alpha to continue. Tonight under the rain, under the shroud of dark. They need to speak. The long overdue talk can't wait anymore.

" Arthit I need to tell you some words explicitly tonight. Foremost, I visualise you and only you as my past, present or future. I love you. And definitely not just as best friends.
These words are long awaiting to be said aloud. That I want to you to be my eternity. My marked, my claimed.

The alpha hears an audible sharp intake of breath from the other, as he speaks the words need to be spoken tonight.

" Hmm.. Now that the worlds most anticlimactic confession has been said. Tell me truly, What's your decision Oon?"

The alpha takes one step towards his omega. His heart says to just carry the younger to safety, away from this crazy roaring drops from above. Away from every worry every turmoil the younger is feeling inside. Claim him, mark him, vanish his all insecurities. Make him his forever ; build their own little family. Their own blissful paradise.

The growing elation he feels on being the to be father, overriding his fear, about his clan's reaction, parents' retribution,. Proves he has never have been hesitant where his Arthit is concerned.

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