5.🔥 Faen? Friend 🔥

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Cheers readers. Enjoy the chap awaited.

But sex is not the only thing in the story though; I just can't write sole erotica, even if I break my head. Immense respect to authors who can.
I always get cold feet. Ask my author friends,they will vouch, whom I pelted with my rants.

Top or bottom role; are absolutely irrelevant for me.
So pls stop requesting stories solely based on such roles from me . I am incapable of much imagination based on these prompts. Sorry.

Well, Hope you like the plot and where it's going from here.We are almost nearing the stop sign for this one
So let's begin..


The alpha sucks upon the pliant, thoroughly kiss swelled, lower lips of the omega. His hard length rubbing up and down, over the slick drenched cum dripping puckered entrance. The omega can only moan upon his mouth. Whinning to stop his alpha's teasing upon his high strung body. Craving release.

Suddenly, not giving the shuddering omega in need and sheer want of culmination ; time to fathom, the alpha thrusts inside his length in one go upto the hilt, balls hitting the sides of the oozing hole.

Still sucking vigorously on those sweet treats of lips which wants to scream, and bring down the house.

The alpha unhindered, like the beast he is, driven by the sweet pheromone high of his partner, the beautiful face, the rosy tint of his skin, the soft grunts and groans ; whispering incoherently his name.. begging
"phi.. pls...pls .. Kong. Ahhmm.."

Plunges in and out like piston, again and again. Deliberately slowing down his motions sometimes just to hear those sirène words of pleads again or withdrawing the erect penis completely. To make the omega wriggle his hips, lusciously. Oh what a site for his glinting ruby eyes in erose.

Each damn time, his rock hard length mercilessly messes with the omega below him, taking him to a level of passionate insanity unchartered before; as his Oon lies face down ass perched high. The position he loves the most during their hidden sexual escapades.

The alpha's body draped over the pale sexy sweat shined, expanse of the back. The omega writhing, quivering, he doesn't know anymore whether he wants to beg his phi to stop . Or to do it more. And more..The younger really doesn't comprehend his tortuous erotic dilemma ;he wants to cum or be kept away from cumming.

" nahmmm. Arghhh ahhh.."
His sun wants to scream but the tired body utters incoherently some gibberish amixed moaning again.

Alpha smiling smug into the open mouth kisses. Enjoying the frenzied confusion of his Oon. The omega trying to move his own length into the firm grips of the alpha. Who is holding onto the base of the swelled up throbbing pink erection with one hand.The hold keeping the younger away from his desired climax. Edging him.

The omega suddenly bites onto the upper lips as the alpha pushes in deeper. Hitting his abused oversensitive spot. Scores and thores of undeniable pleasure electrifying every cell of his body. An exhausted drained body but attuned nevertheless to the alpha's love ministerings in every way.

Holding onto his thread of sanity almost with the bruising bite on the upper lip of the alpha, and his fingers scrunching up the black silk bedsheet below; complimenting his reddish skin speckled with multiple love bites, the now flawed porcelain like expanse blushes bright in high surging passion ..

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