8. Afterwaves...

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Publishing after ages hope you like this last piece of their slice of life.
Do leave me comments and vote if you enjoyed my humble threading of words..

...Let's begin...

Arthit vomited for the umpteenth time. His head feels light, his feet jelly, but he stoically gets up from his hunched position beside the toilet, supporting his slightly bloated tummy.

He is in seventh week of his second trimester, but his slender frame still hides the pregnancy well. Not to mention the winters in Sutthilak clan are quite harsh. There's no snowfall but the pestering showers of wild monsoon continues through the colder months, making the mercury dip quite alarmingly towards zero.

Thus layers of clothing covering his lithe frame, hides well, his slightly bloated pregnant state from the world around . Rubbing the tender knot gingerly, which flutters under his soft fingers like wings of butterflies signaling the presence of his unborn child who has still not started doing frank movements, he gets up trembling taking support from the basin towel holder.

Thé oméga gives a firm shake to his head almost clearing the fog of weakness gradually trying to embrace him, next washes his face with the warm water his father had made sure always is heated temperate for him and sighs audibly looking at his reflection .

What he sees actually in the mirror starkly mismatches what he is feeling inside. Sick, battered tired and utterly frustrated that's what his inner being swirls with . Extreme irritation of the surrounding events added as cherry on top upon it. His mood in an upheaval and he is in a constant state of hormonal swing. Up and down. Topsy turvy..

But looking back at him through the clear glass, is a beautiful ethereal flushed being.The pregnancy had made him more enticing if he has to believe his own alpha's words and the constant admiring glances following him.

He can't deny he does look more pinkish, amixed with his natural fair flawless porcelain like skin it's quite a combo. The hormones has generously added fats to his already cherubic cheeks and little to his behind. But his waist has got slimmer with a slightly pudgy tummy discreetly covered by long loose winter coats.

His eyes irrespective of restless sleep looks shiny.The hint of gold in them which is his inner omega's trait has become more evident in his natural light browns giving the pupils a golden shimmer like glow, complimenting his white rouge combo face colour.  His neck looks longer, flushed rouge with his own heightened body heat , but sadly with no mark. Yes... he is still unclaimed.

The phone rings loudly, breaking his introspective reverie. He takes one glance at it, lying innocently atop the basin counter and promptly cuts the call.. As expected it's from his alpha, Kongpob.  The stubborn fool! The one with whom Arthit is currently not talking to and who refuses to understand his stand point. He takes a bottle cologne kept beside the mirror instead and sprays generously upon himself, ignoring the relentless calling of his best friend and about to be forever mate. The father of his unborn child.

He smells himself as the phone starts to ring, again this time he solemnly switches it off with a huff. His lips upturned in a disapproving line. Even after taking bath, vomiting, spraying with cologne his doctor had recommended, Arthit can make out the hightened sweet smell of his omega by one single whiff of himself.

" I still reek! Fuck, this is why the alphas in the college are eyeing me since a week like that . Especially that new foreigner idiot Nyle.

And what does my own alpha do? Not only he is gone for week, taking away his pheromone blanket which was somehow hiding this odd smelly predicament of mine; he is absent just when the doctor said it's safe to claim! Utter Idiot! Can't he for once tell his dad I am more important and he will be joining a day or two late for the meeting! Can't he for once not be the ideal son? Even Luna said he should learn to balance! When have I ever told him to forego or disregard his Sutthilak norms but without claiming and marking he went to play the hero, when he knows extremely well, how physically weak and vulnerable I have become without mark and his pheromones ..how can he just leave me like this!! Does he even care!?

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