3. rut and heat

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I willl be taking some writer's liberty here again.
Since it's omegaverse and fantasy world.

For me in this story, omega's reach their age of maturity or first heat at 14 -15 years And alpha's their rut at around 15 - 16.

So yes readers, you calculated it rightly; they are reaching their so called sexually active age, almost at the same time.

And foremost I don't support, and highly condemn underage sex or any description of it.

So since that's clear
let's begin.

Kongpob 16 and Arthit almost 14 and half .


Jack Rojanapat quizzically watches his son, pacing fast. Right to left, then left to right, repeating the motion again and again, across their moderately spaced drawing room.

That too on a bright Sunday morning, for quite sometime; when most of the other rare free Sundays the omega is busy in stuffing his face or playing online games with his phi Kongpob. Or doing both, together behaving like a certain vegetables upon the comfy couch. Unmoving, lazy like a sloths!

He has definitely gone bonkers, the dad deduces and continues enjoying the crazy show.

The mindless pacing doesn't curb Arthit's inner restlessness, so soon he starts climbing up and down the curved stairs of their modest two storied house. Situated at the edge of forest, little cut off from the Suthilack main clan land. Though very much inside their protection boundaries.

Watching his omega son's repetitive actions, the beta dad almost feels disoriented. Ultimately, not able to stand the moves and shakes anymore, when the boy starts to do spot jumping, air boxing and kick imaginary shadows, the wholly exasperated father by then, speaks up.

" Oon, just pause for a minute. Just pls call him to wish happy birthday and ask about his health. You do understand it's not safe for you to meet him today. Stop your endless parading. You are literally making me dizzy with your constant patrol."

" Daaaaaad," the teenager whines aloud ..." I am thinking. Not parading. And It's not the same. I always meet phi Kong on his birthday. I always bake him those bitter dark chocolate coffee cupcakes. He says I make them the best, better than even Luna mam.

And I even plucked the juiciest of mangoes. Made the most yummiest of frozen dessert for him. And here you are forbidding me to go to the Sutthilak mansion."

" It's not me alone Oon. You know why you are not allowed to go and meet him. Kongpob is experiencing heavy rut symptoms since last night. His father already had informed and warned about that to me. Knowing you and him and both of yours moronic hanging out schedules irrespective of everything."

"That's what, you both fathers spoiled our plans. We were supposed to play the latest game. It's his sixteenth birthday. Poor thing he was so alone yesterday too. No one is coming near him. And he said the symptoms are all mild and easily manageable."
He stubbornly states with a dejected face. Behaving exactly his age. A petulant fourteen plus year old, beyond sane logic, a teenager.

His father controls his smile seeing the puffed out face like puffer fish in indignation. And says instead In a stern tone.

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