𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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You had changed out of your clothes and put on some pyjamas you brought. A black graphic tee with some grey sweatpants topped with a black hoodie which you didn't zip up all the way. Letting it expose some of your neck that could appear visible from the round collar of the t-shirt. You tied your hair up into a messy bun that didn't sit the top of your head but near the back. You slicked it back but still making your hair's part visible from the front by pulling out two strands for bangs.

Before meeting Tom at the kitchen you took in one more look at the view out of the window you had in your room. Which resembles more of a wall of glass. You looked at the night sky and its glimmering stars. And the big bright moon sitting right above the thick layer of clouds. You turned slowly trying to maintain your gaze on the view and walked over to the door once it was no longer in sight. You left your room and closed the door slowly.

Heading over to where you generally remember the kitchen to be, you stood by the door frame and made your presence noted. You could tell Tom was busy at work whipping up a delicious-smelling meal. You opened up with a short and small Hi.

"Oh hey there." He whipped his head around from the plates he was setting up at the table. "You can take a seat right here." He said as he pulled the chair out and pushing you in once you sat down on it.

"Thank you," you stated in a confident way letting him know that you liked the little gentleman's gesture. He smiled and looked at the ground as he walked over to the other side of the table where he sat up his plate. Right across from you. Close to date almost. You laughed in your head. Cute.

The food looked great. He served you some and then proceeded to fill his own plate up.

"I'm glad you decided to stay here." He said while putting the serving dish to the side. Keeping his eyes on you while waiting for your answer.

You laugh a little looking up from your plate and look him in the eyes. "Me too," you reply with a soft smile on your face which seemed to light up his eyes. He likes this.

Maybe he's just alone. All this huge space was called an 'apartment', and from what you've learned he does live by himself. Must be very depressing, even with all the luxuries of the place and being famous and all. But nobody to share it with.

He also mentioned he doesn't care for the overbearing attention he gets 24/7. He's a bit tired of it, although he mentioned loving it and his fans very much. Sometimes it can be a lot to take in. Which you understood. But you felt like there's something other than that here. Not just this lonesome life he has.

Once the small formal convo was over. In around a couple of seconds. You clicked again just like on the walk to the hotel. You fell into this long spilling conversation about each other's lives and jobs, and every other ounce of what there's left to know. You did however try to keep a lot of your family drama out of it. Some of it just spilled out. Small things, but enough for him to listen to very respectfully.

He listened so well. Better than you wished a mere stranger to listen. But he didn't feel like a stranger. You felt like you knew him for years, considering the way you were spilling over all your likes, dislikes, and true feelings. But Tom was just it. Just what you needed after that issue with your parents. Who you needed to be with to feel at ease again. Or something similar to that.

He laughed and listened and you felt like he felt the same. Tom told you a lot of things about his job, family, hometown, and life overall. It had gotten very late you were both still deep in each other's words when the situation moved to the kitchen. Both of you were cleaning the dishes and putting them away. Still feeling calm at each other's voices. Like there was nowhere you would rather be at than right here with Tom Hiddleston. That's a bit weird to say. But you liked how it was real. Very real.


You both make it to your rooms after everything was cleaned and placed back in those weird cabinets you saw him work. You gotta push them and they pop open. Good to know.

You head to the washroom in your room to brush your teeth and wash your face. You walk towards the bed when you get this feeling in your stomach to walk to Tom's room and wish him good night. You thought after all that he's done for you, it's the least you can do.

You switch your direction and walk down the dark hall that was only lit by the large panel window at the end of the hall. Moonlight reflecting off of the smooth dark marble floors. You tiptoe your way to Tom's room door. Which happened to be open. Yet you still take the pleasure of knocking on the door frame.

He looked up from where he stood by his bed in his pyjamas starring at his phone. He looked so good, my gosh! The T-shirt was tight around his pecks but flowed out a bit more around his waist and hips. In a navy blue colour, with some thin striped PJ pants that were also navy and grey.

"Hi. I just wanted to say good night. And thank you again. For everything." sincerely and gently telling him.

In a similar tone, he responded, "I know y/n. And good night to you as well." Smiling again. A soft one.

"Bye," you said walking out of the room closing the door on your way out. Dang was that man scrumptious looking! I mean the toned torso and sexy accent. It was to die for. You thought all of this was standing right outside of his closed door. You snapped out of it and speed walked to your room again.


Around 2:30 am you burst out of sleep crying hysterically. Balling technically. You had a horrible nightmare about your siblings and you just couldn't unsee anything that happened. You sat up still crying when the door burst open.

Tom ran over to you without turning on any lights and grabbed you into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your weak body with his large arms and rested his head on yours. You fell into it and tucked your head beneath his. He rocked you back and forth saying over and over through a whisper that "It would be alright darling". And "there's nothing wrong".

Eventually, you both fell asleep on your bed. Your head was in his chest, his arms around your body with his head still leaning on yours. You fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. It made you feel so safe. And so secure. You let it lul your crying into a soft sob, which then turned into a deep sleep. 

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