𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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After slipping into something a bit more comfortable you stepped out of your room to find Tom.

Finding him in his study with the door open he looked up from his desk.

"Hey!" He said, making you noticed.

"Hey. Um, I was gonna ask what you were doing right now." You felt in your heart it was probably a bit nosey or annoying but he smiled and answered happily which made you feel better for asking.

"Well I'll be on a conference call in a bit, but we should watch a movie after." He said rather excited too. "If you'd like."

"Oh yeah, I'd love that. But for the time being, do you have any books?" You ask.

"You like reading?" He says rather intrigued.

"Yeah." You smile at him and nod.

A smirk takes over his face, "follow me."

You do as you're told and follow him out of the room and down the hall. One of the doors in the middle of the hallway was opened up. In it was a beautifully full and filled library

Luxurious wood shelves made up the whole area of the walls. A large window on the wall opposite the door. And rolling ladders to reach the higher levels of the towering shelves built to the walls.

Your eyes widened at the immense selection of literature to choose from. Your eyes scanned the room; studied every stack, shelf, and assortment of novels and worked around the room.

Your mouth sitting in a gape at the view of all of this.

"Hav- have you read all these?" You say dragging your finger along the spines of the books of a shelf by your hip while eyeing the titles of one closer to your eyes.

"Oh. Heavens no. But I'm getting around to it." He said smiling while studying your expressions in the room.

"Hopefully this will keep you occupied while I work for a bit."

"I might never leave." He chuckled. You found a title that caught your interest and pulled it out of its spot on the smooth wood level.

He gave your happy self one more smile before heading back over to the door. Yet you hadn't noticed as you were so caught up by the book you'd selected.

"I'll be back in a bit." He said by the doorway.

"Take your time." You say with a grin looking up at him once before he left. He was happy you were happy.

Tom made his leave and you hopped onto one of the leather seats in the center of the room and got comfortable with your story.


After a good portion of your book, you were broken out of the story with a knock at the door.

Looking up from the consecutive lines of non-fiction. You allowed your eyes part ways with the page to look up at Tom who was by the doorway once more.

"All done." He said with a grin admiring your relaxed self sprawled over his sofa.

"Oh great!" You say hopping up. Looking at the page number once, making note of it, before shutting the book. "What are we watching?" You say while walking over to him.

The both of you entered the hallway and began to make your way to the living room. Talking about what to watch.

When you arrive at the living room Tom tells you to sit down and pick something while handing you the remote. He heads over to the kitchen to make a snack for you two to eat while watching.

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