𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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The morning sun beamed on your face. Slowly creeping your eyes open to a squint you felt warmth on your cheek. Holy crap it was Tom! You must've forgotten that he came into your room last night. Since you were technically trying to cry your literal eyes out of their sockets. You tried not to move your head too much but you wanted to look up at his sleeping face. Which just so happened to be as good-looking as his usual awake-face. His side profile, although you couldn't see it, was so perfect. Like too perfect. It was unreal.

Your head was on his chest. His heart made you feel so safe and secure. It made your heart never want to leave the sound of his. You were looking at him sleeping and realized your hand was gently sitting on the other half of his chest. His body felt so cozy. You could feel him start to wake up, and then your mind woke up the bottom half of your body. And, his too. You noticed your leg was over and between his. Which caused him to get a bit happy and nervous.

He slowly crept his eyes open when he noticed me looking up at him with my head still rested on his chest, his eyes widened open. But then a smile washed over his sleep-drowsy face.

"Good Morning." He said with a grumbly morning voice. Holy fuck was that hot!!! Was he tryna kill me or something?!?

"Good morning," I replied quietly. I moved my thigh a bit while talking to adjust myself to get a better look at him when he woke up. That's when he noticed our legs were doing some overlaps and layering. That caused his smile to grow even bigger, into more of a mischievous little smirk. You let out a short and subtle sarcastic laugh and moved over. Causing your hair to flip over to the other side of your head. You were laying on your stomach holding your head up with your elbows and forearm on the bed.

He looked at you and moved the hair that had flipped off of that one side of your face, tucking it behind your ear. Which completely made your heart race.

"Are you..alright?" he moved his body over a bit, twisting and facing you better. "I mean from last night?"

"Yeah a bit better. Thanks to you." You said with a grin on your face which caused him to smile a little more. "I wouldn't have been able to sleep again if it weren't for you."

"Well then, you're welcome!" He said teasingly. Which got you both laughing. "But I want you to know you can talk to me if you want." You nodded with a grin. You both began to get up from the bed. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah sure!" you responded while tucking your loose hairs behind your ear while looking up at him.

"What would you like to eat? I've got everything. And can whip up whatever you want."

"Anything is good. Whatever you got."

"Pancakes? I got some good syrups a while ago."

"Sounds perfect!" you responded.

He smiled and walked out of the room heading over to the kitchen. Holy crap wow. That was an experience. Waking up on top of Tom Hiddleston. I guess that's one thing to cross off of the bucket list. Only if I could imagine writing that on my bucket list in the first place. But either way. I'd cross it off something. You thought.

You get washed up and head to the kitchen. Tom has a fresh fluffy stack of flapjacks on a plate. The stack is topped off with berries and powdered sugar. He picked the plate up and noticed you enter the kitchen.

"Perfect timing! Just finished up. Let's sit down." He directed you towards the kitchen counter instead of the dining room table. Placing the plate with the large stack in between the already set placemats and plates for the two of you.

"Oh, they look delicious." You eyed the pancakes and sweet-looking berries with a big smile on your face.

You sat down on the barstool and he did as well. Sitting right next to you. He served you the first amount of pancakes. And you devoured them quite quickly. He was happy when he saw yours done so soon. He placed more on your plate and began to grab more for himself as well. You talked a little while eating.

"So you did mention this being your first visit here, right?"

"Yeah it is." you kept slicing up bites for you to eat up in near moments.

"Well, maybe I could give you a tour. You know. Take you around." he looked up at you with a genuinely eager expression.

"I'd love that!" You smiled through the food in your mouth. He chuckled a bit to that and you began to as well. 

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