𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚡

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The next morning y/n woke from her sleep which had been proficiently better than the night prior. As she only woke once in the night due to a small fright in her dream. Thankfully this time it was due to the movie you had watched last night and not something to do with your family.

Getting up from bed and heading to the washroom to brush. You walked over to the kitchen to see a note on the counter.

Good morning! Like I said, I'll be out all day today. I'll be back around 6 tonight. I have something for us to do at around 8 pm. Also here is Charles's number in case you want to head out or do something. And here's my cell in case you need to call me about anything. Feel free in the house. (Also. There's French toast under the silver cover.) x love Tom.

You felt amazing this morning considering it was almost Christmas but it also reminded you that this would be your first Christmas away from your family. And then that brought back the uneasy feelings. The guilt and anger.

But you were loving the attention Tom was giving you. It made you feel so special.

Licking your lips you lifted the silver cover over the plate of freshly cooked French toast. It made your mouth water so you grabbed a fork and began to dig in.

You examined the phone numbers as you ate. I have a celebrity number in my hands right now. Insane.

Finishing up the delicious breakfast you washed your plate and put it on the drying rack and went to your room.

But you kept getting a weird feeling. Something about the idea that this wasn't going to be a Christmas without a tree. Or decorations.

Tom didn't have a tree up. Which made some sense since he wasn't really happy about not spending this season with his family from what you could tell. But for now. You were all each of you had. This was going to be spent between the two of you. Might as well make the most of it.

You got up from the side of your bed where you sat to think and grabbed your phone. You called up Charles hoping he could help you out.

"Good morning Miss y/n," he said through the phone. The thought running through your head was How did he know it was you?

"Good morning Charles! Tom gave me your number in case I needed something." You let him know.

"I'm aware miss. How can I help you?" he said like a gentleman.

"Well, a few things..." You began to explain what you would like to do. He thought it was a good idea. But he wasn't too sure as to what Tom's reaction would be. You said it must be good, right?

So you met up with Charles to set up everything you needed for the perfect Christmas.

A little while after your phone call Charles made his way up to the floor.

"Hello!" you greeted him happily at the elevator entrance.

"Hello." He said calmly with a nod.

"Ok, we should get started and finish before Tom gets back." The man nodded in agreement.

"First we need a tree." He thought for a second, "It might be hard considering it's the day before Christmas." You grumbled.

"I know somewhere that might still have trees." He brought it up.

"Oh perfect!" you smile looking back up to the sweet guy from your thinking, "Can we order it? Because it's not very clear to me as to how we'll drag a tree up here."

"I'm afraid not miss. We'll have to go to the center for it."

"Ok. Is it far?" you ask, trying to consider your time.

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