twenty >>> Social Anxiety

18 3 1

You don't know me well.
I don't even know myself.
Told to smile when I'm around
people I don't even know.
Smile for the camera
no one has to know the truth.
But honestly that's somebody else.

Crawling in my skin,
voices whispering inside my head
of who hates me
causing my throat to swell up.
And I'm fighting to scream for help
but I just stay silent, looking around
engulfed by those around me.

I'm always wanting to stay in
wrapped in my blankets, a good book
or something on the t.v.
But that's seen as lazy
when really it's not.
I'm just scared of communication,
scared that no one truly likes me.

It's just easier to stay inside
to not be so much of a burden outside.

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