Someone has a crush

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Will left leaving you and George alone and awkward silence. George grabbed some biscuits and offered you one.

"No problem"

You started eating the biscuit as George looked like he was bothered by something. Something was clearly on his mind.

"Everything okay?"
"Yep couldn't be better"
"Doesn't seem like that"
"Trust me everything is fine"

You sat on the counter next to him and put your head on his shoulder.

"George how stupid do you think I am I've known you long enough to know youre  not fine something Is on your mind now tell me what is it"
"Just don't worry about it please"
"Well I am gonna worry about it I love you and care about you"

George went silent and just went on his phone going to the living room. You followed him and sat on his lap as you took his phone.

"Tell me what's wrong and then you can have your phone back"

He laughed as he looked at you.

"You're so cute you know that now pass me my phone"
"Nope not going to now tell me what's wrong"
"Oh I thought you where joking but still cute"
"Stop calling me cute and tell me what's wrong"
"Well nothing is wrong especially not right now because of you cutie"

As George was saying that he got a message from Alex. You started reading as George looked like he was worrying about something.

Mate I think she likes ya and you're just being stupid  not making a move a lot of people think you guys would be great together so just fucking ask her out nothing bad will happen from it

It was clear that George had a crush on someone and for some reason you where kinda jealous. You wasn't exactly sure to as why you where jealous you and him where just friends and nothing else.

You just shook your head and ruffled his hair while laughing slightly.

"Someone has a crush doesnt he why didn't you tell me before"

He started blushing slightly and looked up at the ceiling.

"Soooo who is she"
"S-she's no one"
"Well she's gotta be someone for you to like her so now tell me who she is I wanna help you guys date"
"Well that's not gonna happen I just wanna leave it"
"Fine but tell me who it is pleaseee"
"No y/n I'm not going to tell you I wanna keep it to myself and the only reason Alex knows is because I once got super drunk and accidentally mentioned it"
"But I'm not gonna talk to her I won't say anything just who is it"
"It's no one I'm gonna go get prepared for recording later"

George picked you up off his lap and put you down on the sofa. He took his phone and left the room. You couldn't help but fee kinda hurt and jealous.

George knew he could trust you the both of you told each other everything no matter what it was so why hadn't he told you about this. Your chest started hurting it felt like you had been punched in the chest multiple times.

You grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it tightly as the pain got worse. You only got this pain when you where jealous and it was confusing you to why you where jealous unless you had caught feelings for him without noticing. No that couldn't be it or could it be.

You laid down while still hugging the pillow tightly trying to convince yourself that you didn't have feelings soon you fell asleep on the sofa.

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