Talk with alex

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Alex had finally arrived at yours and George's place you could hear the door opening as he walked into your room.

"Hey y/n you said you wanted to chat is everything okay?"
"Umm not so sure"

He sat down on your bed next to you as you just laid there looking at the ceiling.

"You wanna talk about it?"
"Ummm yeah"

You sat up looking at him as he gave you a warm smile. Alex was an awesome friend he would always be there for you if you needed him.

"It's umm about George"

His eyes widened slightly before he shook his head looking slightly confused.

"What about him?"
"Ummm what I say you can't tell anyone it has to stay between us you especially can't tell George"
"Of course I won't tell anyone your secret is safe with me now tell me"
"Well ummm I'm not sure if I have feelings for him"

His jaw dropped to the ground as he was smiling slightly. You could feel yourself blushing slightly as everything went extremely quiet.

"But I'm not sure if I do"

He stayed silent as he kept looking at you with a huge smile on his face. You jokingly punched his arm.

"Cmon say something please"
"My dream couple will finally happen"
"What I'm just saying it's gonna finally happen"
"No it isn't"

The smile on his face dropped as you started remembering he liked someone else. He wanted to date another girl that wasn't you and there was no hope for the both of you ever dating.

"Who says it isn't gonna happen"
"You out of all people should know it isn't gonna happen"
"I- what?"

He looked extremely confused at you as you let out a sigh.

"He likes someone else and I know you know that"
"I don't think he does like anyone"
"I saw that message you sent earlier saying about how he liked a girl and how he should just ask her out"
"Oh that ummm that was just a joke"
"Yeah definitely seemed like that especially when I asked him about it and he just walked off to go record"
"He probably just wanted to see how you would react ya know boys do that when they like someone"
"Alex I just don't know and again-"

Before you could finish there was a knock on your door and within a few seconds George walked in. Both you and Alex paused with the room falling silent.

George looked extremely awkward as he just froze at the door. Finally Alex said something

"Hey George you need anything?"
"Uhh nope well actually yeah I came here for a reason and can't remember why I'm just gonna go actually"

George left the room making you and Alex laugh slightly.

"That's so cute isn't it he came for something and forgot what it was"
"Eh I wouldn't say so but you being his bride to be yeah I guess you would think so"

You face went extremely red as he said that making him laugh.

"Well you guys will end up get married it's just obvious"
"No it isn't we aren't even dating and you're saying me and him will get married"
"Well you guys do couple things so it kinda seems like you guys are already together"
"Like what?"
"Uhhh lemme think cuddling, sleeping in the same bed if you've had a nightmare, aren't feeling well or you just wanna be near him"
"Well Yeah we do that because we are close friends that doesn't mean anything else"
"Well let's ask him then"
"Wha- no"

Alex got up and started going to George's room knowing he was in there. You followed trying to stop him but he still knocked on George's door.

It took a few minutes until opened the door being shirtless with his hair wet with droplets of water falling onto his face and some on his chest. You couldn't help but look at the ones on his chest just slowly going down his chest until it stopped at his waist where a towel was.

You kinda wanted the towel to accidentally fall off his body and so it did well at least in your imagination.

"Sorry I was in the shower what do you guys need?"
"Me and y/n are fighting well not fighting but disagreeing on something and we wanted to ask you something"
"Sure just let me put a shirt on"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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