Night out

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You and George hadn't moved in hours, the both of you hadn't stopped hugging. You and George had spoken about a few different things while you had been hugging it had been one of the best moments ever.

Being in his arms was always your favourite but something about them recently made you enjoy it more. Actually there had been a few things that felt different recently like you couldn't stop staring at how perfect his face was and you just wanted to be with him all the time.

You was just laying never wanting the moment to end until your phone in your pocket started going off. George let out a sigh as you took your phone out and looked at who was calling you it was James.

"George it's James you don't mind if I answer?"
"Yeah go ahead"

He smiled at you as you kissed his cheek before you sat up answering the phone putting it on speaker.

"Hey James what's up?"
"Nothing just wondering when you and George where gonna arrive"
"What do you mean?"
"Well it's 7:15 and the both of you should of been here 15 minutes ago"

George laughed slightly as you started getting up to change your clothes.

"Sorry James we kinda got distracted doing something we are just about to leave"
"And when you say doing you mean doing each other"

Before you could say anything George grabbed the phone and said "you know she wouldn't be able to take this monster dick"

You mouth opened considering he had never said anything like that before. He put the phone down and closed your jaw.

"Sweetie I know you've got your mouth open to suck my dick but you're gonna have to do that later"
"Where's all of this come from"
"Dunno kinda feel like making jokes about us shagging tho could be fun"
"I- okay well I'm gonna go get change"
"Sounds good"

You left the room laughing at what had just happened it was completely out of the normal for him too do stuff like that. Unless he was drunk then yeah he sometimes did stuff like that but he definitely wasn't drunk.

•time skip•

You and George had arrived at the pub and made your way in sitting down at the table. George sat next to Alex and you sat in between Stephen and James. As soon as you sat down james pulled you into a hug his hugs where good but still not as good as George's. Will stopped talking to Stephen and asked what drinks everyone wanted you asked for a blue wkd and George just asked for a coke when he normally goes for some type of beer.

"Hey George why the coke today"
"Well I'm driving home and I kinda wanna be sober"
"We could just get an Uber"
"Eh I guess but I wanna stay sober tonight anyway"

Stephen moved his hand and placed it on your thigh without noticing as he started to speak to you.

"Hey y/n we haven't spoken in a long time how is everything going"
"It's all going good with me nothing much has happened what about you?"
"Oh I'm okay caught my girlfriend cheating so I'm now single"
"Shit I'm sorry"
"It's fine kinda knew it anyway"

You hugged him now knowing what to say and he hugged back. It was kinda awkward for the next few minutes until Will sat in between you and Stephen being extremely drunk.

"Ya know I wouldn't mind watching you and George shag"

He burped after saying that and put his head on your shoulder as he continued to slur while being drunk.

"I'm really hoping you guys shag oooooooooooooo you guys already do that don't ya but shhhhhhhh keep it down mate it's a secret I see ya"

He put his finger on his lips as he looked at you with his eyes half closed.

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