The dream

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Currently you where sitting on George's lap making out with him. His hands where resting on your ass as your hands where on his shoulders.

Your hands started moving up to his hair as he kept grabbing you ass. You could feel that he was getting hard against your thigh. You pulled away and wiped the string of saliva that was Connected between the both of you off your face.

"You wanna head to the bedroom?"

You said smirking which made him smash his lips back onto yours as he started standing up with your legs wrapped around his waist.

He was getting harder as it kept poking your waist and your tongues where fighting with each other for dominance.

You bit his lip slightly as he started opening his bedroom door.

"I need you so badly right now daddy George"
"I need you more darling"

He started undoing your trousers as he threw you onto the bed.

You woke up drenched in your sweat while heavily breathing. You looked to the left of you and saw George looking at you confused.

"Y/n everything okay?"
"Yep totally fine nothing wrong totally normal dream I'm fine"
"Ummm okay? You don't seem it"
"I'm fine fine fine fine"

You said as you avoided eye contact with him which made him look even more confused. You got up and started making your way to the kitchen to get a drink and to get away from George.

"Also you where sleep talking"

You paused right there and turned around to look at him as you blushed slightly. He laughed slightly as he went back on his phone.

"Ummm what did I say when I was sleeping"
"I dunno what did you say"

He looked at you with his eyebrow raised while smiling slightly. You could feel your cheeks go bright red.

"I don't know what you said you where fidgeting too much for me to hear well I heard my name but that was it"
"You only heard your name nothing else?"
"Nothing else at all why where you dreaming about me tho"

He stood up and started walking towards you. As you where trying to think of a good reason to be dreaming about him.

He pushed you against the wall slightly as he got extremely close to you with his chest against yours.

"Wanna tell me why you where dreaming about me or not?"

You wanted to answer him but you just couldn't. You felt weak in this moment like he was in control of you. You could feel your self getting wet extremely wet in fact.

"I'll take that as a no then?"

You nodded your head slightly as he moved away and sat back down laughing slightly.

"Didn't know you where that weak y/n"

You wasn't sure of what to say so you just left quickly going into your room. You laid down on your bed looking up at the Ceiling just thinking about what happened.

Your brain couldn't process what happened you had all of these new feelings and they where to George. George who has been your best friend for years and you've never had any feelings toward him.

You grabbed the pillow and put it over your face as you screamed into it. You felt like you needed to talk to someone about it and you wasn't sure who to talk to about it.

Will would just tell you to go and shag him, James wouldn't take it seriously he would just make jokes about it the whole time and have no advice.

At this moment Alex seemed like the best bet even though he knew George wanted someone else but he would have some good advice.

You picked your phone up and found Alex's number sending him a quick message.

  Hey Alex ummm I have a problem and I was wondering if we could meet so I could talk to you about it

You turned your phone off and just stared at the ceiling being confused by everything.

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