Chapter 4: Welcome to Blüdhaven

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This is gonna be a short chapter so I'm gonna bless you guys with a double upload! I really don't have anything special planned for this chapter, just him getting moved in.


The city looked much like Gotham, dark, rainy, and full of crime. Perfect place for a hero to start out. Driving through the streets made me feel a sense of belonging. I had been in Bruce's shadow for so long, but I am finally free. I had decided that choosing an apartment near most of the crime would be best, easier to get to after a night's patrol. Bruce has offered countless times to lend me some money, but I wanted to start fresh, to truly be my own hero and person. The apartment complex was owned by an older woman named Rose Marshall. I pulled into the parking lot for the complex and parked my car. When I stepped out of the car I was hit by the smells. Maybe this place is more similar to Gotham than I thought. I walked into the complex to the front desk.

"Can I help you, dear?" an old woman said.

"Yeah, I'm the new tenant, Richard Grayson," I said smiling at her

"Oh, Mr.Grayson! Welcome, I'm the landlord, you can call me Rose." She said, shaking my hand, "Let me call my grandson to come help you move in. JAY!" Soon a guy who looked to be the same age as me entered the room. "Jay, this is the new tenant."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jay." He said smiling. He was tall and looked to be a bit muscular. He had brown hair and green eyes. (Nope, not me putting in a self insert lol)

"I'm Richard, but you can call me Dick," I said to him. I could see him trying to hold back a dick joke. It's something you pick up on with the name. After a bit of talking, we started moving my stuff in. My apartment was on the 3rd floor (top floor) and facing the alley, perfect. The apartment looked a little better in person. Definitely not like the manor at all. It had an open concept so it made it feel a little bigger. It was a single bedroom with one bathroom. Jay and I got all my things moved in, it only took an hour since I didn't have to move any of my hero stuff. Thankfully Bruce said he'd drop some of the bigger equipment off later tonight. Rose brought up some dinner for me, as a move-in gift. Maybe Bludhaven won't be so bad. I'm really excited for my first solo patrol in my own city.



Sorry, I haven't posted in so long, I completely forgot lol. This chapter was a bit short, BUT I'm gonna upload 2 parts of the story today. PLEASE bare a few more parts before we get to what you all are waiting for. I have 3ish more parts after this one before we start the shenanigans of Dick being a den mother. Also I'm going to try and upload more often, but we all know school is a bitch

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