Chapter VI (Dilemma's)

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Are you Tezuka Kunimitsu?" He heard someone spoke at his back. He was heading on his way home, after sending Ruina to their house. He turns around and saw a man wearing a black fine cut suit. The man is in his mid twenties as he estimated. He was stun why the man knew his name.

"Yes." He answered shortly. He had no idea who is this man he is talking to.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself first. My name is Kenji Dydyogi." The man apologizes while lending his hand to him for a handshake.

"It's okay." He answered as he accepted his hand.

"Can you come with me? My boss wants to talk to you." The man said.

"Who is he? Why does he want to talk to me?" He asked curiously.

"Please for now let's go inside the car. I will answer your questions there and then we will meet my boss." Kenji said and a black car parks near them. Even though he has second thoughts on the true intention of Kenji, he hops inside the car. Kenji followed and sits beside him at the backseat.

"At the hotel." Kenji instructed the driver and the car started. They were silent for a moment.

"Who is your boss?" He asked again. He wants to know why that man was eager to talk to him.

"He was Renji Takatori." Kenji answered him. Tezuka was surprised to hear the last name of Kenji's boss. He had a conclusion and Kenji read it on his face.

"Yes, you are right. He was the father of Miss Ruina." Kenji confirmed his conclusion. He was silent for a moment. Why does Ruina's dad want to talk to him? He was lost in thought.

"We're here." He heard Kenji said and the car park in front of a luxurious hotel. Kenji escorted him inside. They went to a cafe near the lobby. They approached a man who is covered by a newspaper he was reading.

"Sir, excuse me. Here is Tezuka Kunimitsu." Kenji informs the man. The man put down the newspaper on his side and looks unto him. The man wears a well cut tailored suit, and an aura of authority can be seen.

"Thanks Kenji." The man said gratefully.

"You're welcome sir. I'll leave for now." Kenji said and leaves the two of them.

"Have a sit." The man said as he coaxes him to seat in front of him.

"Thank you, sir." He said as he took the seat.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. By the way I'm Renji Takatori. I'm the dad of Ruina." Mr. Takatori introduced himself.

"Nice meeting you sir. I'm Tezuka Kunimitsu." He introduces himself. He was kind of nervous meeting Ruina's father. Now he knows where Ruina inherited her black eyes and hair. As he studies Ruina's father appearance, she really looks like her father.

"I know." Mr. Takatori smiled. When Ruina's dad smile, Tezuka's nervousness calm down a little. "Do you want coffee- Espresso or Cappuccino?" Mr. Takatori asked.

"Cappuccino, sir." He answered immediately.

"Ruina also like Cappuccino." Mr. Takatori informed him as he called the waiter and it attended to them.

"I want one Espresso and one Cappuccino for him." Mr. Takatori said to the waiter and it leave. After a few minutes their coffee was served.

"Maybe, you're flustered why I want to talk to you suddenly?" Mr. Takatori asked. He only nods as an answer.

"I will ask a favour from you Tezuka." Mr. Takatori's tone became serious.

"What is it sir?" He asked a little curious.

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