Chapter III (An Accident Date)

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She had lived one week in school and in Japan. It's Friday night,  a conversation with her father sudden put her in such a  bad mood.

"Dad,  why do i must date the son of the president of Lest Paul? I don't even know him,  he was older than me.  I don't want to go. " she complained.

"Ina,  I  have already agree to his father that the two of you will meet. His father was an old friend of mine.  We accidentally meet again here in New York when he had his business trip here. You will get to know each other by doing this. If it didn't work,  you can tell me. " her father answered.

"I'm not interesting in dating anyone." she croaked.

"I don't know when you will be interested in dating anyone." her father answered.

"But dad,  I'm still young. Why worry? " she countered.

"Ina, pleased. " her father pleaded. She became silent for a moment.

"Dad  next time pleased, I want to date someone i know. Will you trust me with that? " she asked weakly.

"Yeah  next time, I will." her father answered.

"Okay, I'll go."  she let out a sigh when she said the last words.

"Thank you my angel. I love you and I missed you so much. " her dad sounding grateful and happy.

"I love you too dad,  miss you. Bye. " she said ending the call. She didn't know why she feel that the date thing is like a first step on arrange marriage. She let out a big sigh.

"What's with that face onechan? " Ryoma asked.  She forgot that she was in her cousins room when she got the call.

"A date. I don't even know whom I dating. I want to date someone i like." she whimpered.

"That's the purpose of dating i think- to know each other." Ryoma answered.

"I want my first date with someone I really like. Don't you want something like that ochibi? " she asked as she throw herself at her cousin's bed.

"I don't know.  I didn't even try dating anyone. Asked me about tennis,  I will have an answer." he answered playfully.

"Ochibi,  take it from me- you will be happier if you will date the person you like. " she advice ignoring her cousins words.

"How can you say that,  it's just your first time to date a guy? " he asked.

"Yes, but it will be memorable if it is the one you like you will be dating.  does it not make sense? "

"Girls are complicated. " he smirked.

"And do boys are not complicated? " she asked.  All of a sudden,  image of Tezuka appeared on her mind.

"Why did hell I remembered him? " she voice out.

"Who's him? " Ryoma asked.

"No one." she answered stiffly.

"Che,  liar.  Mada Mada dane onechan. " Ruina just shrugged to her cousin's famous line.


"Dear,  you will have a to meet Mr. Shiraishi's daughter tomorrow." Tezuka's mother announce while they were eating their dinner. He looked at his mother,  seem surprised by the sudden announcement.

"Oi,  big brother will have a date? " her younger sister Sakura teased.

"But mom,  why is so sudden? " he perplexedly asked.

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