Chapter II (The Dream)

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At last, the tennis practice ended. She patiently waited for her cousin. She is wondering about what happen to her and Tezuka. She is blushing so hard when his face came near to her, plus the fast damn beating of her heart. She is so affected by his charm.  She knows how to  handle boys,  but when it comes to him- it seems to be a failure.

"Onechan?" Her cousin called her attention while they were walking home.

"Yeah? What is it?" She asked  interrupted in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Ryoma peered in her face. "You seem lost in thought."

"Nothing?" She lied.

"What did buchou told you?" He was curious now.

"Nothing." She answered.

"Tch, liar." Ryoma smirked.

"Hmn." She doesn't want to talk about it.

"I saw him lean his face to you and then your telling me-he didn't say something to you?" He asked brows up.

"You really did saw that huh?" She was still dead pan.

"Yeah,  if anyone could see the two of you in that position- they might think he was about to kiss you." He replied.

"Nani?!  It was not like that." She defensively answered as she blushed hard.

"Why then are you blushing?" He teased.

"Stop! Okay? It wasn't like you are thinking." She was still defensive.

"Really?" Her cousin just wont stop.

"I won't prepare a bento for you tomorrow. " She blackmailed and her cousin face froze.

"Your good in blackmailing people." Ryoma said.

"I will take that as a compliment rather than an insult,  my dear ochibi." She answered sourly.

"What will you cook for our bento? " He asked excitedly and she think of something thoughtfully.

"How about omelets stuffed with hotdogs and ham?" She answered.

"For god's sake, Onechan- we are in Japan and you are making western cuisine?" He said weakly.

"Western cuisine is my forte, I  don't know yet how to cook Japanese food. I need the help of Wakako, I guess."

"I wonder what's our dinner? " he heard Ryoma said. 

"Maybe,  pork chops,  or maybe pizza." they both said and sigh.

"I hope auntie made a Japanese food for dinner." she wish. As soon as Ryoma entered the house, he run immediately upstairs,  like he was avoiding an encounter with his oyaji.

"Hi ojisan,  were home." she greeted.  she was notice by her uncle who was currently reading  a magazine.  He was suddenly tossled upon seeing her- throwing the magazine into the air.

When its on the ground,  the page of the magazine flip open exposing a woman who does not wear a brassiere and wear only a sexy underwear that she guessed is a thong. Her uncle immediately picked the magazine on the floor and hide it on his back. .

"Sorry,  Ina. Forget what you've seen." he said while scratching his head and blushing.  She narrowed her eyes at him and folded her arms.

"Auntie! Ojisan is reading a pervert magazine!" she yelled.

"Oh brat!" her uncle said whining.

"Nanjiroh! I'll burn that magazine!" her auntie shouted. Ruina go for the stairs,  and went inside her room.

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