Chapter VIII (Unfathomed Heart)

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A/N Hello there my dear readers! I'm really happy that you and I came this far. On the other hand, I was sad at the same time for this is the last chapter of my story. I think, I have said this many times, but I'll say it again anyways- thank you. It's a simple word, but its full of gratitude. Thank you for being with Ruina and Tezuka until the end.

This chapter will focus on Tezuka's point of view. Sometimes I'm having hard time writing about Tezuka's reaction and emotion. I was a serious person, but he was more deadly serious than me. He was quiet boy, so I decided to reveal his insights.

As I write this fan fiction story about Tezuka, I don't want to go far from his character. I want you to feel that he was the same Tezuka, Takeshi san introduced to us on the anime of Prince of Tennis.

So my dear readers, this is the last chapter of Say You'll Be Mine. I hope you will still support my upcoming stories although I update very sloooowwww... Thanks again! Mwuah...


"Do we really need to go home?" She asked me timidly while we are heading to their house.

"Yes, because it's already late and they might be worried about you." I answered. "Don't you want to go home?" I asked her while my eyes are fixed on the road.

"Ah..." She was kind of hesitant to answer as she released a sigh before she continued speaking. "Honestly, I'm afraid of meeting my dad on Ojisan's house." She confessed.

"Why?" I asked her curiously as I took a glance at her.

"We have an argument... and he hurt me for the first time. I aamm... not ready to see him now." She answered reluctantly.

"I think he will not show up to you this time." I said as I averted my eyes to the road again.

"What makes you think of that?" She asked in return.

"It's because both of you need to think over of some things." I answered and she became silent for a moment.

"I think you are right." She said as I felt her hold of me tighten. "Thanks." She kissed my cheeks soundly as I smiled. My smile faded as my sight caught two familiar persons- its Oishi and Eiji a few meters away from us. I froze as I stop walking.

"Are you tired?" She asked in concerned as she get down from my back and stands beside me.

"No, it's just..." I wasn't able to finish my words, she look unto the direction where I'm looking. Her eyes wide open upon seeing Oishi and Eiji.

"What those two doing at this time?" She panicked upon seeing them.

"Come on..." I kneeled down and ushered her to hop on my back again. We hide on a nearby wall of a house - a few blocks away from Oishi and Eiji, and I peep on their location. I was relieved when I saw them walking on the other direction.

"Where are they?" She asked.

"They are gone." I answered. "Are you afraid that they might see us?" I asked her teasingly.

"Not really... But I'm more afraid of Eiji bugging us." She explained as she let out a giggle.

"I feel the same way." I said while letting a small laugh. "Let's go." And we started walking again heading to their house.

When we reach their house, we saw a black car park in front of their house. The car was familiar to me- it was the same car that picked me up when I came to meet her dad. I suddenly felt she was tense as she steps down on my back.

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