Chapter IV (Rain and Stars)

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Its Monday again. Ruina was listening to a song titled "happy" to her cellphone while walking to  school together with Ryoma. She set it into loudspeaker and she started to dance with the rythmn of the music. Ryoma gave her a stiff look.

"Onechan, do you really need to dance with that music?" Her cousin asked annoyed.

"Ochibi, its nice to do this once in a while. Common clap your hands and move your hips." she said and coax him to clap his hands and move his hips.

"Ahh, onechan!!" Ryoma growled furiously.

"Hahaha.. My dear, your so shy.." she teased while laughing.

"They are looking at us!!" He is pertaining to the other students who are staring at them.

"When did you start minding others  stares?" Ruina asked playfully. She twirl gracefully few meters away from her cousin , but accidentally tripped a stone on her foot. Oh, my- she's going to fall to a pavement.

"Onechan, look out!!" Ryoma shout trying to catch her fall. She closed her eyes and waited for her impact in the solid pavement, but instead she falls to a solid chest of someone.

"Are you okay?" She heard a soft  voice asking her. She opened her eyes and lift her face to  look at the person who saved her, she saw Tezuka holding her left arm  and his other hand was on her waist to maintain her balance- her face is a few inches away from his. She stare at him,  his eyeglasses reflected her image. She can't just speak, her heart is beating wildly because of their sudden closeness and the warmth of his body that she felt from him.

"YeAh, I'mmm oookay." she stuttered. She wondered when did she started to stutter. She hide her face with embarrassment. Tezuka smiled secretly  while he was still holding her.

"Buchou!!" Ryoma called. He eyed the hand of his buchou on the arm of his cousin and the other one on her waist. As soon as Ryoma saw them, Tezuka released her arm and his hand to her waist. She release a small sigh as a sign of relief. She prayed that he didn't hear the wild beating of her heart.

"Echizen." Tezuka greeted him in his stoic expression - his smile disappeared.

"Onechan, that was too close. So clumsy." Ryoma scolding her while smirking.

"What did you just say?" She said annoyed. If Tezuka is not with them, she will really knock her cousins head.

"Be careful next time, Takatori." Tezuka said in concerned voice .

"Yeah. Thanks for, catching me.." she said bowing her head- he only nod as an answer.

"Let's go." Tezuka said and he turn his back starting to walk. Ruina and Ryoma then started to follow him.

"Onechan, why not dance now?" Her cousin asked while smirking. She turn off the loudspeaker of her cell phone and just put her earphones instead.

"Ryoma, do you want to messed up with me?" She whispered narrowing her eyes to her cousin.

"Don't tell me your shy, because buchou is here? You are not like that. When did you start minding others stares?" He is imitating her words. She just ignored her cousin's teasing.. His words are true, she is now conscious on her walk, looks, and the way she speaks when Tezuka is around. She wanted to stomped his cousins foot, but she know she will lose her finesse.

"Hey, Echizen!" Someone called her cousin. All of them look at the direction of the voice, its Momo together with Eiji.

"Senpai Momo and Eiji.." Ryoma greeted them.

"Oh, buchou-Ruina!!" Momo greeted them.

"Hey, Tezuka and Ruina!" Eiji greeted them.

"Ohayou, Momo and Eiji!!" Ruina greeted them with enthusiasm.

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