Chapter V (Closing the Distance)

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She went to her room, carrying the Yutaka that Tezuka wore. She smelled the scent that his body left at the cloth. She remember what happened. She hug the cloth close to her body and smiled happily as her heart sings in joy.

"Yes! 15 love for Ina. Hahaha.. " she used the scoring in tennis while giggling.

She went to her bed and she roll happily reminiscing what happen between her and Tezuka.

Suddenly her phone rings, it was her dad calling her.

"Hello dad. How are you?" she greeted him happily.

"I'm fine, how are you too?" Her dad answered.

"I'm good, very good. " she let a giggle.

"Looks like you are very happy." Her dad notice.

" Do I sound like that dad? Actually I am very happy." She replied while letting a little laugh.

"Yes, you do. But Ina, I want to asked you something. " her dad's tone became serious.

" What is it dad? " her smile faded.

" Why did you say no to have a date with Koichiru again? " Her dad asked. She released a sigh before she answered.

" Well, he didn't make it on our first date right? First impression, last dad. Then he is asking me again. It worsen when he have delivered flowers early in the morning at school. Those flowers cause to much attention." she explained.

"He told you that he has an emergency meeting with the board members, right? What's wrong with the flowers? Didn't you find it sweet? " her father asked. He knows she is only making excuses.

" Yes, I know he has a reason. But honestly dad, I don't want a man who prioritize business before me. It's just I am a jealous gal, I want my man's attention only mine. Those flowers cause me trouble, I don't know where will I put them. I don't find them sweet, I find it more a "show off". " she continued explaining.

" Your growing so fast, but you are still young. " her father suddenly said.

" Yeah, young blood." she sigh.

" So you will not date Koichiru? her dad asked.

"Sorry dad, he was not my type. " she answered.

" Um mm, but you know what he likes you. I already gave him my blessing. " her dad said loudly.

" You what? " her jaw drop open.

" My blessing to him for you. " her dad repeated.

" But why? " she asked weakly.

" Honestly, I like him to be your husband in the near future. I.. " she immediately cut her dad's words.

" You are planning an arrange marriage for both of us? That's why I don't feel easy about the date thing. " she said furiously raising her voice.

" Ina, the two of you will be a good couple. " he said like he was looking to a fortune tellers ball, seeing the future.

" Dad, you are starting to manipulate my life! I will choose whom I going to marry. I know I'm young, but I know what I am saying. " she is really getting pissed.

" You can choose whom you will marry, but you can't have my blessing Ina. I'm warning you, Koichiru is.. " she cut her dad's words again.

" Ah Dad, I can't hear you - your line is choppy. Shhhhhhh. Dad bye. Shhhhhhh." she pretended that her phone's reception is choppy. She end the call and turn off her phone. She doesn't want an argument anymore with her dad. She can't believe that her dad is setting an arrange marriage for her. She will not let herself be manipulated on what she want with her life. She then remembered the lines from her favorite song that goes-

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